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The bar chart compares water consumption for three main purposes in different places in the world

thathu072 1 / 1  
May 19, 2021   #1

water used for different purposes

The charts below show the percentage of water used for different purposes in six areas of the world.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
You should write at least 150 words.

The bar chart compares water consumption for three main purposes in different places in the world

On an overall perspective, it is evident that most water in North America and Europe is for industrial use, while the majority of the amount of water in the other areas is used for agriculture.

In terms of using water for irrigation, it can be seen that Central Asia, Africa, South
East Asia, is in the top three areas using water, which register 88%, 84%, 81%, respectively. Simultaneously, the proportion of South America accounts for this purpose 71%, which is nearly 2.5 and 7 times as much as that in Europe and North America with 32% and 13%, sequentially.

Meanwhile, in North America and Europe, the allocation of industrial water consumption occupied the most, taking up 48% and 53% consecutively. Both records are about 5 times higher than as other areas, which is accounting under 13% for each one. Also, there is approximately a fifth and seventh of the amount of domestic water used for South America and Europe, respectively. This allocation of North America and Africa accounts for 13% and 9%, while in Central Asia and South East Asia, people consume the same amount of water at 7%.

Please help me with my writing skill ! Thanks for your kind words :3
IELTS TASK 1 CAM 11 (205 words)

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 14982 4813  
May 20, 2021   #2
The bar chart

You start the report with an immediate error. The provided images are 6 pie charts representing 6 countries, not bar charts. Each pie chart consists of 3 divisions representing water use areas. Part of the task accuracy relates to image identification. Expect deductions for such errors.

in different places in the world

not different places, different countries. Proper identification is a must in the task? essay due to the precise nature of the report in relation to the audience. Your LR score cannot be given a good mark as you constantly fail to use appropriate words in your statements.

Central Asia, Africa, South East Asia, is

... Asia , are at ... plural forum due to several countries being referenced. At this point even your GRA score is affected.

The errors I have pointed out here have score lowering potential. It is imperative that you improve your writing skills in these sections. Further studies and writing practice for these parts will help you improve your task 1 reporting style.
OP thathu072 1 / 1  
May 20, 2021   #3
Thank you for your response ! I will fix it

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