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TOEFL: To become well-informed, one has to get information from different sources

Helen L 4 / 5  
Aug 8, 2011   #1
Nowadays there are many people hold the view that getting information from different resources will necessarily make one well-informed; However, the fact is that well-informed condition means have enough and exact information in hand to make decision or prepare something, which is not identical with the information from various news resources; So, in my point of view, one should choose proper information channel according to the different conditions;

First, let talk about the situation of student; When faced on the stage of choosing a higher school, one should go to the official website first, and then consider the problem from different aspects such as the tuition, major, faculty the facility and the like; One should gain all the details from the official website and the official buttetin; When confronted to the test such as TOEFL, GRE and so on, the first step one should do is register in the ETS website, download the sample practice, then prepare the test in terms of the office guide; Information from other organism has no meaning to the examinees, which even bring some unwanted trouble; All the state of affairs demonstrate that to be well-informed, one doesn't have to consider the news from different information channels;

Then let us take the situation of businessman into consideration; As we all know, unlike the study problem, commercial affairs are complex and comprehensive, which needs to be consider from distinctive points of view and detect the inaccurate information and distinguish the ones of evil intention through various message sources; For instance, in terms of launching a new product, what the CEO should do should not limited in the feasibility report handed in by the subordinate but to consider the condition of the global or the national economy, the tendencies of its competitors and the like; It is also necessary to distinguish the unfriendly tricks and recognize the risk of the promoting sales; In such situation, different information resource seem to be so indispensible that the CEO would make decision based on them; Therefore, in face of the constant changes in business, one have to get the information from various news channels with the purpose of being knowledgable;

How is the situation of scientists going? Compared to the commerce, the scientist is in a relatively uncomplicated environment, which nearly all the things to be referred or learned are well-established or well-tested, such as the paper or the axiom; When it comes to the case of writing a paper, one should summary the experiments conducted by himself in the light of the precursors, and discussion the results or data; There is no denying that all the basis he refer from others must be trustworthy by the public, which could be obtained from the official bank of information in specific field; That conveys the point that the various information cannot contribution to the scientists who design the test and develop the incomplete theory;

Above all, we should not deny the crucial role of different information resources nowadays, however, the indispensible function of resulting in the well-informed level should be considered differently from the area of study, science to the commerce;
jostar 6 / 13  
Aug 9, 2011   #2
Don't start with NOWADAYS, it will give the rater bad impression. Too many people use NOWADS. Try other options, there are plenty more, we dont have to stick on this one.

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