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IELTS - Beijing example; Petrol price rising vs traffic and pollution

Mommmmo 5 / 15  
Dec 7, 2012   #1
Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems.
To what extent do you agree or disagree.
What other measures do you thing might be effective.

It is a fact that traffic and pollution becomes the major problem to modern cites. Some people thought the dramatic increasing number of private cars every year is essential reason to cause such a problem and claim the best way to solve is to raising the price of petrol. However, I tend to believe there are more and better solutions than that.

Increasing the price of petrol will defiantly help control the number of private cars but it also will cause side effect for public transportations. Not only will adding transportation company running budget but also will end it up paid by all passengers. Take Beijing as example, all passengers need pay extra 3RMB for fuel cost, but this policy didn't helped the fact of Beijing Transportation situation.

Besides rising price of petrol, other measures could be taken for this situation. First of all, public transportation system could improve and took place of private car usage. Buses, subways, taxies and even public bicycle system recently appears in many cities, people could easily go around by mature public traffic systems in stand of private cars. Moreover, for push the public and more environmental friendly vehicles, government could publish and support with many benefit regulations, such as discount price tickets and priority for public vehicles parking area etc. Last but not least, developing clean fuel is another important approach for help city pollution. In stand of petrol, solar energy, nuclear and other cutting-edge technical will solve the pollution problem in the near future.

In conclusion, even though rising petrol price will shortly help control the problem for traffic and transportation, other measures such as fuel replacement and public transportation system develop are more crucial to change this situation completely.

dumi 1 / 6846  
Dec 8, 2012   #2
It is a fact that traffic and pollution becomes the major problems to modern citescities.

traffic and pollution - two things.... therefore they are major problems : )

Some peoplethoughtthink thatthe dramatic increaseingin number of private cars every year is essential reason to cause such a problem and claim the best way to solve is to raising the price of petrol.

Some people think ,,,,, - you must keep this in present tense. "thought" is the past tense of "think"

The above sentence has many grammar errors;
Some people think that dramatic increase in the number of vehicles cause is the reason for this problem. They argue that the best way to solve this issue is to raise the price of petrol.

Always try to have short sentences.... Lengthy ones try to get you carried away : )
Pahan 1 / 1845  
Dec 10, 2012   #3
It is a fact that traffic and pollution becomes the major problem to modern cites

It is a fact that traffic and pollution has become the major problem to modern cities.

Some people thought the dramatic increasing number of private cars every year is essential reason to cause such a problem and claim the best way to solve is to raising the price of petrol.

Some believed that the increase in number of motor vehicles every year was the cause to this problem. They also believed that the best way to solve it was to increase the price of fuel.

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