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IELTS TASK 2: The best way to solve the environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuel.

db723 5 / 7 1  
Sep 25, 2015   #1
The best way to solve the world's environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuel. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Issues of the environment have become severe. While it is said that to drive up petrol price is the best solution, I take the view that the increasing fuel cost would not be workable.

It is plausible that carbon emissions would be reduced with the rising in petrol price. The prohibitive fuel cost would let individuals consider to drive less. Thus, the greenhouse gas would be emitted less accordingly. However, the increase in cost of fuel could not shift the usage of vehicles efficiently. Because the inconvenience generated by this strategy is superior to the reduction in fumes. A demonstration to be given is, driving is essential in most of countryside due to public transport is not serviced all round. The rising fuel cost is only burdening the cost of living.

On the contrary, there are some viable alternatives that the government and corporations could implement to reduce greenhouse emissions rather than rising up the cost of fuel. In terms of the government, it is more effective and efficient to promote public transport service. The well-grounded public transport service should be built by the government. Hence, people in rural areas could have the option to travel by buses or trains. The government should also drive down the fares of public transport. Individuals would consider give thought to public transport rather than driving if public transport is much cheaper. Apart from the government, corporations could contribute to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions as well. New technology and clean energy could be used by automobile companies. To illustrate, hybrid cars, which use electricity at low speed and petrol at high speed, lower the greenhouse gas emissions.

In conclusion, I believe that the rising fuel price is not the solution to the environmental problems nowadays. In contrast, the government and corporations could tackle it by viable alternative ways.
vangiespen - / 4131 1449  
Sep 25, 2015   #2
Isabelle you should applaud yourself for a well developed essay. While I will be the first to critique that your grammar errors are quite numerous, I can also assure you that the grammar issues aside, your essay can stand on its own. You display a clear understanding of the prompt and managed to convey the same as an opening statement. That is normally a weakness in other students preparing to take tests. In your case though, that does not seem to be the case. As for the grammatical errors and sentence structure issues, let me show you their corrected forms below:

While it is said that DRIVING UP THE petrol price is the best solution

with the RISE in petrol price

would MAKE individuals


Thus, the greenhouse gas would be emitted less.

However, the increase in THE cost of fuel could not shift the usage of vehicles .

The inconvenience generated by this strategy is superior to the reduction in fumes - In formal sentences, you can never start a sentence with 'because' as it connotes the middle of a thought process.

FOR EXAMPLE, driving is essential

in most of THE countryside BECAUSE public transport is not ALWAYS AVAILABLE

The rising fuel cost only ADDS TO THE BURDEN OF the cost of living.

than RAISING the cost of fuel.

Individuals would consider public transport


I believe that RAISING THE fuel price

Applying these simple corrections will correct the sentence and grammar issues of your essay. Thereby making an acceptable essay a stronger and better essay :-)

Home / Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK 2: The best way to solve the environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuel.
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