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It is better if advertisements would not be allowed directed toward children

oblivionfire 1 / -  
Aug 28, 2015   #1
Please, I would like someone correct my essay. thanks in advance!
Television advertising directed toward young children (aged two to five) should not be allowed.

Raising a child is challenged task in all ages but at ages of 2 between 5 years old it is critical, because they learn everything they see around. Advertisers take the opportunity to make business with it. Generally speaking, I believe that is better for all concerned if advertisements would not be allowed directed toward child, particularly if they are very young and do not are more likely to be influenced.

First of all, it is important to consider that children is not mature enough to decide what are better to then. Certainly, there are people who try to benefit from it because they know parents want to make their child happy so they will buy everything they want. For example, the advertiser directed toward children use a lot of color and sound to call the children` attention in order to make then interested to the product. If their parents decide not to buy the toy, he/she will not accept and start crying.

Hence, in addition to the importance of the lack of maturity, I think that at that time children are learning and discovering the world. So if the parents provided everything they want it might have negatives effects on their lives. Of course, some people would say that prohibiting advertisement to children it is a kind of censorship. However, in my country cigarette advertises are forbidden because it were proved to causing deceases like lung cancer. In my opinion advertise to young children can make then a consumer people when they grew up.

By way of conclusion, based on the arguments explored above I am of the opinion that children are not mature enough to know what are better to then and if the parents provided everything they want, they would be a consumer people when they grew up and this will have negative effects on our society too.
NamisaChan 1 / 1 1  
Aug 28, 2015   #2
typo errors
Raising a child is achallengedchallenging task in all ages but at ages of 2 betweenbetween 2 and 5 years old it is critical, because they learn everything they see around. Advertisers take the opportunity to make business with it. Generally speaking, I believe that is better for all concerned if advertisements would not be allowed directed toward child, particularly if they are very young and do not are more likely to be influenced.(Sorry, I couldn't understand this last sentence)

First of all, it is important to consider that children isare not mature enough to decide what areis better toforthenthem . Certainly, there are people who try to benefit( take advantage fits better) from it because they know parents want to make their child(perhaps kids fits better) happy so they will buy everything they want. For example, the advertiseradvertisements directed towards children use a lotlots of colors and sounds to call the children`'s attention in order to make thenthem interested toon the product. If their parents decide not to buy the toy, he/she will not accept and start crying.

Hence, in addition to the importance of the lack of maturity(That sentence is quite confusing) , I think that at that time children are learning and discovering the world. So if the parents provided everything they want, it might have negatives effects on their lives. Of course, some people would say that prohibiting advertisements to children it is asome kind of censorship. However, in my country, cigarette advertisement s are forbidden because it werewas proved to causingthat it causes deceases like lung cancer. In my opinion advertisementsto young children can make then a consumer people(perhaps you meant this:can transform children in consumers) when they grewgrow up.

By way of conclusiĆ³n(perhaps you meant:To conclude) , based on the arguments exploredexposed above, I am of the opinion that children are not mature enough to know what areis better toforthenthem and if the parents provided everything they want, they wouldwill be a consumerspeople when they grewgrow up and this will have negative effects on our society too.

The general idea was good, but I noticed some important mistakes which needed correction...
I'm just a student (I've passed many Trinity Exams, ISE I and II, and now I'm sitting for ISE III) but I've done more than a hundred writings for practising, I remmember my teacher's corrections...

I hope my corrections helped you.

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