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Break a bad habit just like to pay attention on something.

andika08 81 / 80 16  
Nov 10, 2016   #1
TED Summary : A simple way to break a bad habit | Judson Brewer

Break a bad habit just like to try an attention on something. First, Evolution learning process currently know by scientist and basic nervous system have been founded, it consist of positif and negative enforcement. For example taste of some food that make you want to eat more. Brain have to send signal to body such as remember what you eating and where you find it. This related to the memory to desire something that you really like. There are several cause such as ways, trigger, behaviour and reward. Also, eat something that make you feeling good and feel better like chocolate, same process but different trigger. Brain is always try to push us to eat what we want to. This effects makes not good for our body. Another examples from natural brain proses, smoking bad for people who addictive on it. They being curious is the main aim for people to test it as they know the taste is not good but they think it make them feel comfortable.One the solution is change our behaviour by our habit. Always remember that the bad activity can make our body to suffer some disease. It can be done by concern with your body every days.
ryan31 65 / 95 15  
Nov 10, 2016   #2
hai dika
I think it is a good summary
let me give you some advice
hope it helps

First, Ee volution of learning process (...), it consistsbothofpositifpositive and negative enforcement.

For example, (<<<< do not forget to use comma after example)the taste of some food that makes you want to eat more.

...send a signal to the body such a remember about food that you eat and where you find it

There are several causes such as ways, ...
... that makes you feeling good and feel better like chocolate, the same process ...

Brain is always trytrying to push us to ...

This effects makes not ...
Another examples from natural brain prosesprocess , smoking is bad for people ...

NinaJoesuf25 36 / 66 4  
Nov 10, 2016   #3
... habit just like to try anpay attention on something. First, EvolutionTHE EVOLUTION OF learning process currently knowIS CURRENTLY KNOWN by scientist and . AFTERWARDS, basic nervous (...) founded, it consistCONSISTS of positifPOSITIVE and negative enforcement.

Brain haveHAS to send A signal to body such as rememberREMEMBERING what you eatingEAT and where you find it. This relatedRELATES to the memory to ...

There are several causeEFFECTS such as ways, ...
AlsoSUBSEQUENTLY , eat something that makeEATING MAKES you feeling good ...
Brain is always tryTRIES to push us to ...
This effects makesMAKE not good for our body.
... proses, smoking IS bad for people who ...

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