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Busloads of people depart for Monas from FPI headquarters

ryan31 65 / 95 15  
Dec 2, 2016   #1
Several buses which carried demonstrators from FPI headquarters arrived in the Central Jakarta to assemble in downtown Jakarta. Eventually, most of the participants started in Monas square for protesting regarding blasphemy case to arrest Ahok. More and less 200,000 people are joining in this event. They were wearing white Muslim dress code. In any case, it also wants to remember again which happened in the last month.

nda18 46 / 80 9  
Dec 2, 2016   #2
hi, these are my correction for your summary

Several buses which carriedcarry demonstrators from FPI(what is FPI ?) headquarters arrived in the Central Jakarta toand assemble in downtown of Jakarta.
[ if you want to use past, please mention the time ]

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