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Ielts - changes in weekly spending by Britons on three types of fast food

eddies [Contributor] 25 / 1207 476  
Jan 21, 2014   #1
The chart below shows the amount of money per week spent on fast foods in Britain. The graph shows the trends in consumption of fast foods. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.

The bar chart shows the changes in weekly spending by Britons on three types of fast food, while the line graph presents the fast-food consumption during a period of 20 years, between 1970 and 1990.

According to the data, high earners are more likely to consume Hamburgers. Average earners also ate this previous food, while there was an increase of 25-pence spending for eating more Fish & Chips. In the case of low earners, Pizza came as favorable one, which was 8 pence of expenditure, but this spending was more twice smaller than Fish & Chips which were slightly larger than Hamburgers in almost 15 pence per week.

A more detailed look at the line graph shows both Hamburgers and Pizza rose steadily to 300 grammes during a 15-year period, while Fish & Chips declined slightly from 300 to nearly 200 grammes. After 1985 onwards, Hamburger continuously increased over 500 grammes, while Pizza had almost 300 grammes. In contrast to Hamburgers and Pizza rising remarkably, Fish & Chips remained reasonably steady, and continued to increase slightly over 200 grammes towards the end of the year.

Overall, there are 3 types of fast food that Britons are keen on eating during 20 years, from 1970 to 1990.

Pahan 1 / 1904 553  
Jan 21, 2014   #2
The bar chart shows the changes in weekly spending by Britons on three types of fast food, while the line graph presents the fast-food consumption during a period of 20 years, between 1970 and 1990.

...excellent introduction.
Follow this structure;
1. Introduce the graph (your intro is perfect for this objective)
2. Give an overview ( you have a problem here - talk about the major observations very briefly without giving any statistical support. Leave that for the next section)

3. Give more details (discuss trends with statistics and data)
OP eddies [Contributor] 25 / 1207 476  
Jan 22, 2014   #3
Thanks Pahan.

One thing I highlight from IELTS report writing after googling is to construct a 150-word essay. Concerning the two graphs above, I reveal some data that needs more discussion in details. I was thinking of

Follow this structure;

you have shown, but the limitation of the words warns me to write concisely. As a result, skipping the

Give an overview

is the way I did, while I have stocked this sentence

Overall, there are 3 types of fast food that Britons are keen on eating during 20 years, from 1970 to 1990.

as my conclusion. To me, a conclusion equates with an overview, does it? If the answer says "yes", then I would prefer uplift my concluding paragraph to an overview as the second paragraph after the introduction. But, if it the answer says the contrary, which "pattern" that I should use; a report writing with an overview or conclusion?

I'll look forward to hearing from you.

Again, thanks Pahan.
MisterWandering 18 / 321 130  
Jan 24, 2014   #4
I think the overview paragraph should be written after the introduction (as Pahan suggested in his previous comment) to provide readers with a clear view of the main trends of the given charts. The detailed body paragraphs are to support these main features you mentioned.
dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
Jan 25, 2014   #5
The bar chart shows the changes in weekly spending by Britons on three types of fast food, while the line graph presents the fast-food consumption during a period of 20 years, between 1970 and 1990.

Good introduction :)

One thing I highlight from IELTS report writing after googling is to construct a 150-word essay. Concerning the two graphs above, I reveal some data that needs more discussion in details. I was thinking of Pahan:Follow this structure; you have shown, but the limitation of the words warns me to write concisely. As a result, skipping the
Pahan:Give an overview is the way I did, while I have stocked this sentence Pahan:Overall, there are 3 types of fast food that Britons are keen on eating during 20 years, from 1970 to 1990. as my conclusion.

Well, according to my knowledge the minimum word count should be 150 and there is no harm exceeding 150 words (they say "minimum 150 words " or "at least 150 words". In fact it would be better if you have about 200 words. Generally in report writing you give an overview at the beginning (overall picture) and then go to explain the details. So I vote for Pahan's structure. There is not necessity for a conclusion. You are reporting a visual presentation.

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