education levels by genders and age range
The bar chart and pie chart illustrates the percentage of education levels by genders and age range in Glasgow, a city in Scotland, in 2010. The information is provided surrounding three different education levels are University Degree, School Certificate and No Qualification.
Overall, the age groups embrace an aggregate of University Degree's education level in the bar chart was primarily colossal of five age items. Furthermore, University Degree has a massive number of majority proportion from 21 to 35 age range (76%). In addition, there is a subtle difference between Scholl Certificate and No Qualification at over 75 age. Slightly more people who were without certificated than men and women have a diploma in school( 72% and 3% respectively).
In terms of School Certificate, out of the five age ranges, in each proportion from 16 to 75 age ranges which have slightly fluctuated 15% and 20% respectively. Moreover, it has corresponded percentage of both genders (33%). Compared to, No Qualification's aged 16 to 50 was one and the same percentage is 9%.
Regarding the pie chart, No Qualification has the highest percentage of educational certification that any genders were achieving with all age.