The gender of schools teachers in the UK
The bar chart illustrates the gender distribution of teachers working across a range of school levels in the UK in 2010.
Overall, it is obvious that in pre-school, primary school and secondary level continue to be female- dominated; however, women have less significantly presence than men in fields related to higher education levels. But the special thing is that the employment rate of both sexes is equal in college.
In half of different types of educational environment, females outnumbered more than males. The gender gap was particularly large in nursery and elementary school, where there were ten to nineteen times as percentage of female teachers as male teachers. In secondary school, while the proportion of women teaching accounted for over 50 percent, the figure for men was less than 50 percent at the same time.
Moving on to the remaining fields, in comparison with the ratio of male teachers in the UK, which took up about 54 percent in 2010, the percentage of female teachers was at around 46 percent. If women working was the proportion highest in pre-school, this ratio in men teaching was at university at 70 percent. Finally, the employment rate of both men and women tied at 50 percent in college.