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The chart below shows the percentage of male and female teachers in six different types of education

hoanglongsss 1 / -  
Sep 18, 2023   #1

the share of male and female teachers in the uk

The chart below delineates the porportion between male and female teachers in six levels of education in the UK in 2010.

In the first four categories, female teachers seem to be outnumbered male teachers. Especially in lower education such as: Nursery, Primary and Secondary. The gap remains biggest in both Nursery and Primary education with female teachers almost tenfolds male teachers. In Secondary education, the gap is much smaller, with roughly 45 women and 43 men.

The gap changes contrastly in higher education such as: College, Private training Institute and University. The number of men is equal to women in College system. But in the next following types of education. Men outnumbered women, with roughly 54 men and 48 women. And the male number remains the highest in University, approximately 75 men and women, more modest, 23.

Overall, the charts depicts that at these types of educational setting. Both men and women are dominated in different categories. Male teachers tends to be in higher education and female teachers are easily be seen in lower education.

This is my first ever task I have ever done. I would love to hear your comments and I would take that for improvement :>

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Home / Writing Feedback / The chart below shows the percentage of male and female teachers in six different types of education
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