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Writing task 1 - the chart shows the number of enquiries received by the tourist information office

takaleon 1 / -  
Jun 21, 2024   #1
The line chart illustrates the bulk of inquiries sent to the Tourist Information Office in a particular city via three ways of communication between January and June in 2011.

Overall, the enquiries in person experienced the most dramatic change among different options. The inquiries sent by letter or email always stood higher than by telephone.

From January to Mar, the number of people sent inquiries by letter or email slightly decreased from approximately 800 enquiries to nearly 700 enquiries. Over the two months, it considerably declined from 700 question to lower than 400 question. In particular, it remained unchanged from May to June. Several people communicating by telephone continuously fluctuated from 900 inquiries to 1000 inquiries in the first three months. Over the next month, it stabilized at 1000 enquiries to April. Finally, the inquiries sent by telephone steeply increased from 1000 inquiries to 1600 inquiries between April and June.

The enquiries in person made up 800 in Mar, about two times as much as that of enquiries sent in January. From Mar to June, it rose by 1100 inquiries and it peaked at 1900 inquiries.

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15169 4859  
Jun 22, 2024   #2
Always divide your summary overview into 2 sentences. There is a 2 sentence and 40 word requirement for that paragraph. Avoid run on sentences because that will automatically lower your GRA score along with your C+C considerations. Always use 2 sentences so that each idea presentation is highlighted and better explained to the reader.

most dramatic change

You do not need to use dramatic language in the task 1 essay. The language used must always be subjective. That is because this is a fact based essay that does not require your personal opinion or consideration. Just report on the facts. Save the exaggerated references for the task 2 essay.

Your presentation is actually acceptable, but lacking in the proper academic tone. So fix the tone and your work should get a better score in an actual setting.

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