coffee and tea buying and drinking habits
The chart states the features about the coffee and tea buying and drinking habits occur in five cities of Australia in the last 4 weeks.
The numbers that stand out are mostly the number of people went to a café for coffee or tea, while the statics about people buying fresh coffee fluctuated blatantly and who bought instant coffee remained roughly balance.
Melbourne has the largest number of people who are interested in drinking at a coffee shop about from 62% to 63% inferred from the chart. Following by two roughly equitable features in Sydney and Hobart which are 61% and 62% respectively. Otherwise, there are only over 55% a little bit pupils in Brisbane and approximately 50% Adelaide's citizens enjoy drinking at a shop. Moreover, apart from staying at a specific place, people seem to love buying instant coffee whose statics remain kind of the same fluctuated at 50% level. Obviously, Sydney had about 41% people buying instant coffee increased respectively to 46% in Melbourne, 53 % in Brisbane, about 50% in Adelaide and approximately 55% in Hobart.
In additional, the rates of pupils are into fresh coffee tend to be low. The highest rate was nearly 45% occurred in Sydney, Melbourne took the second place as 43%, which let Hobart had the proportion of under 40% took in the third place, and the last two statistics in Brisbane and Adelaide had the similar rate around 34% both.