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The charts below show the results of a survey conducted by a university library

Teresa_sssa 1 / -  
May 5, 2024   #1
The pie chart illustrates the results of an investigation carried out by full-time and part-time students' satisfaction level with its services including the IT support and the current opening hours in a college library.

Overall, most students are very satisfied with both information technology support services and library opening hours. However, there are still some students who are not completely satisfied with these services.

On the one hand, for full-time students, the percentage of those very satisfied with library services, specifically information technology support and opening hours are the highest in the chart, respectively with 54% and 67%. Noticeably, although the proportion of individuals dissatisfied with technical-issue support is 14%, for opening hours is only 1%. This is a very small number compared to the remaining numbers. In addition, the satisfaction percentage for both services is equal.

On the other hand, nearly half of part-time students are dissatisfied with the library's IT support, at a rate of 45%, but for library opening hours, the percentage of part-time students dissatisfaction accounts for only 5%. However, it is on the opposite with students who are extremely satisfied with opening hours, at 72% rate. Finally, students are quite satisfied with both services, information technology support and opening hours, at rates of 35% and 23%, respectively.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
May 9, 2024   #2
However, there are still some students who are not completely satisfied with these services.

This is not really necessary to the discussion. Your previous sentence already informed the reader about the services satisfaction of the students. This statement did not really help to move the analysis forward. It is not necessary to state the obvious. Rather, you should have just integrated the trending sentence into the summary overview. That would have created a more comprehensive short version of the analysis and report.

The format used for reporting and analyzing the information is quite effective. You have given an insight into the presentation that shows you actually studied the pie chart. It is satisfactory in terms of reporting but, I am not sure if you are referring to the information as coming from only one pie chart or 2 pie charts. That is because there is a reference to full-time and part time students. So maybe clarify the number of images next time?

Home / Writing Feedback / The charts below show the results of a survey conducted by a university library
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