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All children should be made to wear school uniforms. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Han Yujin 1 / 3  
Jun 14, 2024   #1
In this day and age, there is an opinion that all kids should be forced to wear school uniforms. From my perspective, i partly agree with this point of view.

On the one hand, the option to force children to wear school uniforms is attractive for several reasons.The first reason is that uniforms can promote equality. They can reduce the differences in clothing between students from different economic backgrounds. Because everyone wear the same clothing, it can eliminate the chances of conflicts related to clothing. The second one is that school uniforms can promote safety. They can help staffs in school identify the students who are learning in their school, and also avoid strangers from the outside entering school and harming other students. This is really important with schools , especially the ones which have a large campus.

Despite the above-mentioned advantages, i think that school uniforms also have some weaknesses. Firstly, rich and poor will still be easily differentiated . Unfortunately , school uniforms can not remove this problem. This issue affects students, especially poor ones obviously. For example, the rich students' uniforms are very clean ,while uniforms of many poor students are not as neat and smooth as the rich ones because they have to buy clothes from former students. Secondly, school uniforms cause families waste additional money for buying extra clothes.This can be a burden with many families , especially the ones who have poverty. It because uniforms often cost expensive to bring students a good quality and have many types from winter to summer clothes. Therefore, many poor families have to borrow more money from other people to buy these clothes to help children focuse on studying completely.

In conclusion, children should be forced to wear school uniforms. These clothes can promote equality between students from different types of background, and also improve the school's' safety. However, they can not remove the problem between rich and poor students, and even make the poor families become poorer.

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 14985 4814  
Jun 21, 2024   #2
option to force

The word force is too strong for this discussion. You should be using positive words instead of negative references in the discussion. Encourage open and friendly discourse by saying "encourage" rather than "option to force",

The reasoning paragraphs can be seen as acceptable. However, there was a problem with the concluding summary because you introduced new reasons in that section that would have required some additional discussion paragraphs. The concluding paragraph should only be used as a summary of the previous topic, discussion points, and closing statement. It should never contain new information for discussing as that would create an open ended essay seeing as how the new topics were not fully developed for the discussion presentation.

Kindly contact us privately to inquire about our scoring services. Thanks.

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