Why is this the case?
What measures can you suggest ...
In this day and age, technology is more and more renewable such as mobile phones, television, radio. Consequently, the pupils manipulate plenty of time to watching television rather than improve their physical activity levels, utterly irrelevant operation in the past. Therefore, this essay will elaborate on the cause of the issue and helpful solution to persuade the elevated levels of exercise of children.
As can be clearly seen from the state-of-the-art global, an extensive number of technology gadgets, multimedia,... massively negative impact on the lives of citizens, especially children. In the past, the infrastructure of many cities are old-fashioned tools and restricted by war and the poverty of participants, utterly contrast with nowadays, when television and recreational programs become the most common trend in life. For instance, because of the conveniences of liberty habitats and the wealthy finance of family, the pupils have opportunities to interact with technology gadgets since they were a little kid. As a result, the children are unable to gather the levels of activities.
To face this case, there is an efficient solution to handle and encourage the children to enhance their physical activity levels. The adults, the government are the role of model whom pupils justifying and being well influenced. Take for example if parents apply some strict rules and comply by themselves such as the balance period of hours between watching television and exalting their levels of activity, the pupils would easily comply with the roles day by day. Thus, the children constitute personal positive habits for their life.
To sum up, this essay discussed the cause of the passive life of children is a significant rocket of media and technology and the influenced solution that mature participants should be the role of the model to supporting the levels of physical activities of children.