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Some claim that a new library is money waste because we can use internet to get most of information

badafebriani17 34 / 44 1  
Nov 20, 2016   #1
Some people think it is a waste of money to establish libraries since the public can use the Internet at home to obtain information, do you agree or disagree?

Need of information is tremendous necessary for everyone in the present time. Some people say that it is wasting money if we should build a library because we can use internet to searching for some information. This essay states that totally disagree with this statement. Owing to the fact that is not ever person can access internet connection.

First of all, internet is a sophisticated technology that makes people easier to looking for some information. Internet usage was extremely influenced of human life, because they could know various matters about life in the world. For example, 54% USA schoolchildren used internet when they studied about various animals from abroad. It makes study more effectively, because they can see clearly about appearance and behaviour of animals from pictures and videos. So, it can lose much money if someone want to build a library.

On the other hand, build a library is very important for party of people rather than use the internet because connection of internet is not every people can access it. For example, Indonesia inhabitant who live in remote villages. They cannot find access internet because there is lack of technology. Jakarta post said that just 13% of local used internet especially in educational sectors. It makes they more prefer to choose finding information from books or some printed references than internet. Besides, collected books in library can use by other generations in the future. so, personally in my opinion that build a library is tremendous important because can create sustainable reference availability.

In conclusion, in my view that totally disagree that build a library is a wasting money action because others who cannot access on internet connection just can find information from printed references such as books and tabloids. (291w)
akbarmappiare 31 / 468 275  
Nov 20, 2016   #2
Hello Miss Ba'da..
These are a few suggestions to finalize your essay.

internet to

You have to remember that Internet always pairs with article THE because it is only one in the world.
The Internet

this statement. Owing to the fact that ...

this statement owing to the fact that not all people can access the Internet.

This essay states that totally disagree with this statement

In the thesis statement, you stated that you totally disagree. However, you experienced contradiction in the first body paragraph.

internet is a sophisticated technology that makes people easier ...

You never mentioned that you agree for some of case. The disagreement was displayed clearly so that I am surprised when you explain the benefit of the internet. Besides that, you are supposed to concentrate on prompts. You should review why constructing the library does not waste money. unfortunately, your flow is not enough good. You directly stated that

So, it can lose much money if someone want to build a library.

but you tended to explain the Internet without mentioning the library in previous sentences.

Turning to the second paragraph, you have touched the prompt. You elucidated that some roles of the library can be not replaced by the Internet. However, you reread your sentences to make you sure what you write is what in your mind. For example,

the internet because connection of internet is ...

the internet because not all people in varied areas can access on the Internet well.

Keep writing
Good Luck

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