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How much coffee were exported from 3 countries between 2002 and 2012

amrillahmk 29 / 47 6  
Oct 24, 2016   #1
The amount of coffee, which was measured by kilograms and exported from three countries between 2002 and 2012, is illustrated in the figures. The most significant facts to emerge from the graph are that all countries, including Brazil, Colombia, and Costa Rica, experienced a growth in coffee exports by the end of 2012, in which Brazil always leads Colombia and Costa Rica.

Brazil and Costa Rica began at fairly similar level of 12 and 15 consecutively. While Brazil saw an increase over the following 4 years with reaching 15 million kilograms, Costa Rica fell to 7 million kilograms in 2006. Subsequently, Brazil's exports rose gradually to 20 million kilograms, which was followed by a short fall to 17 million kilograms in the following two years. At the end of period, Brazil hit a high of its exports with 25 million kilograms. In contrast, Costa Rica experienced a steady increase per two years starting from 2006.

Columbia, on the other hand, stood at 5 kilograms at first. Then, over the following 4 years, there was a gradual rise, in which Columbia surpassed Costa Rica with 12 million kilograms in 2006. Subsequently, it was followed by a sudden decrease in 2008, when its exports hit a low of 1.5 million kilograms. From 2008 to 2012, Columbia's pattern grew significantly to 15 million kilograms at the end of period
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
Oct 24, 2016   #2
Mifta, I wish you had attached the chart that indicated the figures you presented. It is hard to judge the accuracy of your report without it. Kindly remember to include the illustration the next time you post an essay for review. Thanks. Now, on to the editing of your work:

...in which Brazil always leads led Colombia and Costa Rica.

... similar levelS of 12 and 15 consecutively RESPECTIVELY.
... 4 years with BY reaching 15 million kilograms...
... followed by a short fall to OF 17 million kilograms in DURING the ...
...Brazil hit aN EXPORT high of its exports with 25 million
...a steady increase per EVERY two years starting from 2006.

...surpassed Costa Rica with BY 12 million
... Columbia's pattern grew significantly to 15 million kilograms at BY the end of THE period.
OP amrillahmk 29 / 47 6  
Oct 24, 2016   #3
Hi, Hold thank you for your feedback, actually i have already enclosed the image, but i don't why it doesn't come out. would you help to fix this problem?

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