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The top ten countries in the London 2012 Olympic games

andika08 81 / 80 16  
Oct 30, 2016   #1
The table gives the information about top ten countries in the london 2012 Olympic games winning the number of medals. Overall, the rank of country was based on the number of gold medals obtained; the United States was by far the most successful country in this event.

United States was by far dominated country in this event with total medal of 104. Besides, China got the second position with medals total of 88. Rusia medals total was better than Great Britain, but they had lower gold medals with the difference of 5. It makes them stayed at fourth position.

On the other hand, South Korea was not succesfully at winning silver's medals than Germany, with a total of 8 compared to Germans's 19 but they position was stand above the Germany as they won two more gold medals. France gold's medals total was more winning than both of Italy and Hungary. Even though the Italy and Hungary had same number of gold's medals total but Hungary was lose from the number of silver's and bronze's medals. Australia not gave the best performance as the result they stayed at 10 position.

mem77 62 / 98 6  
Oct 30, 2016   #2
Dear andika, here some advices from me and feel free to correct me too!

The table givesreveals(if you want to get better score on writing) the information about top ...

United States was by far dominated country in this event with total medals of 104.

It makesmade(because it is the past condition) them stayed at fourth position.

WasishaSisha 16 / 20  
Oct 30, 2016   #3
Hi andika08,

... about top ten countries in the london 2012 Olympic ---> You should use capital letter for a country's name.

Rusia medals total was ...--> It's Russia, be careful with misspelling.

Itmakes them stayed ... ---> You have to use past tense - It made.....

South Korea was not succesfully at winning silver's ...----> be careful with your misspelling - "successfully".

... the result they stayed at 10 position. ---> The right one is "10th position"

Keep writing!

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