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A comparison of three different countries on annual GDP development over the course of four years

Arundyna 12 / 16 2  
Jan 18, 2016   #1
A comparison of three different countries on annual GDP development over the course of four years. Overall, it clearly can be seen that the greatest percentage was Tunisia and Japan in the first and the end of the period. While the GDP figure for Tunisia had significant increased, Japan witnessed a decrease sharply in the last phase.

In 2007, there was the greatest percentage of Tunisia's GDP at more than 6 percent, while the Ecuador saw a half as much. Japan's GDP development showed a very small proportion. By 2010,

Tunisia's GDP had decreased sharply to 3 percent, while Ecuador had plunged slightly to 2,5 percent. The GDP growth in Japan had increased threefold .

Again, while the proportion of Tunisia's GDP saw a downward trend, this showed a sign of stagnating to 3 percent in 2009 onward. After a peak, Ecuador's GDP had plummeted to 1.2%. This is in stark contrast to the figure for Japan taking place as by far the most significant growth.

vangiespen - / 4131 1449  
Jan 18, 2016   #2
Haidin, you lack a description of the kind of chart that you were given to study. It is an integral part of the summary and you should never omit the description of the chart you analyzed. It helps to explain the kind of analysis and discussion that you will be presenting in the succeeding parts of the essay. You should also have mentioned a summary of the countries that were involved in the chart. The lack of these information have made your introduction weak and would bring down you final score.

... countries on annual GDP development over the course of four years IS PRESENTED IN THE GRAPH CHART... it clearly can be... greatest percentage OF DEVELOPMENT was IN ... and the end ... had significantLY increased... a SHARP decrease sharply ...

..., there was the greatest percentage... WAS at more ... while the Ecuador saw a half ... plunged slightly to 2,. 5 percent...

... in 2009 onward . ... Japan taking place as INDICATING by far ...

This is not a bad attempt at writing a summary report. You just need to make sure that you are precise with the information that you present and you do not omit any important information in the essay. Next time, make sure that you double check your information before you consider the essay ready for submission.

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