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IELTS-TASK2: In some countries today, there is an attitude that anyone can do it in arts..

hpatel 3 / 6 1  
Sep 21, 2013   #1
In some countries today, there is an attitude that anyone can do it in arts- music, literature ,acting, art etc.As a result people with no talent become rich and famous and genuine talent is not valued or appreciated.Do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays people are more inclined towards art.As compare to olden days the subbranches of field of arts like music, literature , acting etc are more recognized and accepted with more passion.But many people keep an opinion that in some nations individuals without sheer ability tend to become popular than those with authentic talent. I do not agree with this outlook.

To begin with, no matter how much hard anyone tries if there is no talent then one cannot achieve success. For example audience do not adore singers and actors with bad or low singing and acting skills respectively. Due to the development in human brain with time, its choice has ended up being complex, and can easily differentiate between pure talent and fake attitude hence there are very petite chances of untalented person to sit on the throne of success.

Also I believe genuine skills never goes unappreciated. Many talent hunt competitions are example of it. We have even come across the people who once persuaded their art form in remote and unnoticeable way have now become prominent faces of their respective field.

Though I do not deny that many a times some petty people often takes up all the praises of others work, gaining monetary and career profit but such stardom is short lived. Also many a times pure talent takes time to get noticed but once identified it shines like gold.

Therefore to conclude I disagree with the fact that talent goes unacknowledged ,as awareness among art overs is riveting.
fahadbd 25 / 56 5  
Sep 21, 2013   #2
Also I believe genuine skills never goes unappreciated. Many talents hunt competitions are example of it.

you made simple mistake here
dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
Sep 21, 2013   #3
But many peoplekeephave an opinion that in some nations individuals without sheerstrong ability tend to become popular than those with authentic talent.

... this sentence is confusing. Does not flow well :( Also, you should be careful with synonyms. They may give very different impressions if used inappropriately. Do not try them if you are not very sure. Construct simple and clear sentences. Clarity and flow take presidence over everything else in writing.

I do not agree with this outlookidea .

To begin with, no matter how much hard anyone tries if there is no talent then one cannot achieve success

.... Take the rest to another new sentence.
aliceNN 8 / 23  
Sep 22, 2013   #4
Though I do not deny thatmany a timesmany a time some petty people often takes up all the praises of others work, gaining monetary and career profit but such stardom is short lived.
Pahan 1 / 1904 553  
Sep 22, 2013   #5
Also I believe genuine skills never goes unappreciated.

.... skills never go / skill never goes

Many talent hunt competitions are example of it.

Many talent hunt competitions are a good example for this.

We have even come across the people who once persuaded their art form in remote and unnoticeable way have now become prominent faces of their respective field.

Not clear what you mean... are you saying that;
These competitions have helped us find many hidden talents of people that may have gone unnoticeable had they not got such opportunities.

Home / Writing Feedback / IELTS-TASK2: In some countries today, there is an attitude that anyone can do it in arts..
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