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Cultural, economical, and political globalisation - is it worth it?

benzhu1985 2 / 2  
Apr 10, 2011   #1
Today, it seems that globalization is an irresistible process. Some people believe that globalisation has brought some positive side in our life such as free trade and environmental protection. However, others argue that the process of globalisation has negative effects in terms of culture and economy. Who is right or wrong? In this presentation, I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of globalisation relating to cultural globalisation, economical globalisation and political globalisation.

Firstly, Global cultural homogeneity has immensely enriched the lives of the denizens in developing countries. For instance, now Hollywood blockbusters typically get their first screening in China within a couple of days after their Americans premiere and youths in China can download singles topping billboard charts from the Internet without having to scout around in a CD store. Enhanced TV connectivity affords Chinese viewers chances to see primetime American TV shows. This ease of access to a multitude of foreign amusements has really brightened up the lives of many. This is just one example about the merit of cultural globalisation. I still can give you more examples such as the reduction of cultural barriers. For example, people can travel wherever they want over the world, they can absorb different culture from other countries. However, the global cultural sameness can engender profound adverse effects. First, it severely undermines the cultural diversity in the world. No where is the decline of cultural diversity more manifest than the youngsters? For example, today, in China, teenagers engage in emulating western weeding, they have forgotten the essential weeding of their our culture. Also, children had been used chi English since they attended to school, the much they used the more they lost their our language, such as people pronounce taxi "di shi" in Chi-English, as a consequence, children do not know that the correct pronunciation in Chinese is "chu zu che". These are the advantages and disadvantages of cultural globalisation.

Secondly, economic globalization has in fact expanded rather than reduced the
gap between the East and the West. According to some report published by USA, the
number of developing countries that have benefited from economic globalization is smaller
than 20. Economic globalization refers to increasing economic interdependence of national economies across the world through a rapid increase in cross-border movement of goods, service, technology and capital. For example, Ford's Lyman car is designed in Germany, its gearing system produced in Korea, pump in USA, and engine in Australia. However, the economic globalization process is also posing enormous risks. Economic globalization has led to exploitation of labour. Prisoners and child workers are used to work in inhumane conditions. I can show you some pictures to indicate what kind of live child workers have. Economic globalisation also leads to safety standards are ignored to produce cheap goods. For example, this is a milk company "san lu" in china, it claim its source of milk are from AU. Actually, its milk is poison. As we know, earlier people had stable, permanent jobs. But right now, because of economic globalisation, people live in constant dread of losing their jobs to competition. Increased job competition has led to reduction in wages and consequently lower standards of living. As a consequence, the benefits of economic globalization are not universal. The rich are getting richer and the poor are becoming poorer. These are the advantages and disadvantages of economic globalisation.

Thirdly, political globalisation refers to the increasing number and power of human
associations which influence or govern the world as a whole. Political globalisation has an important significance for human beings. Because political globalisation enables to let governments consider more in thought when they setting the policy. Also, governments can absorb the experiences from other countries. For example, today, china has learnt Open political psychology and democratic political conception from other countries. In china, it has become popular to use western countries' experiences to solve political problems, such as election. However, Political globalization also has some negative effects. Political globalization accelerates the conflict between east and west. For example, some governments will distort correct values, even support other country's terrorist forces. Base on political globalisation, Some countries have an excuse to participate in the management of other countries, even waging war.

In this presentation, I have mentioned the advantages and the disadvantages of globalisation regarding cultural globalisation, economic globalisation and political globalisation. Indeed, it is hard to judge who is right or wrong, people should be combined with their own situation to look at globalization
luvlivlrn - / 1  
Apr 10, 2011   #2
I'm no expert but I did enjoy your essay. From what I saw, you switched the spelling back and forth from globalization to globalisation. Also, capitalize country names such as China. Good luck :)
EF_Kevin 8 / 13319 129  
Apr 12, 2011   #3
Yep, this is a strong essay, for sure. I like that intro paragraph a lot. I wish, though, that you would add one more sentence to the end of that intro, and let it be a THESIS STATEMENT that sums up your main opinion expressed here, i.e. the conclusion you come to after careful consideration. Add that thesis statement to the end of the intro paragraph, and it will be more complete.

Firstly, Global global cultural homogeneity has... immensely enriched the lives of the denizens in developing countries. For instance, now ...

The period is missing from the end of the essay. Also, I see what RBr means about capitalizing China, etc.

You gave such thoughtful analysis here! I guess my main suggestion is to add YOUR opinion to the intro and the conclusion. I think globalization is inevitable, and it does not matter whether someone thinks it is good or bad. It is better to simply prepare and adjust, taking advantage of the opportunities! :-)

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