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Cultural traditions may be destroyed when they are used as money-making attractions aimed at tourist

Mihnie21 1 / -  
Nov 3, 2023   #1
Some people think that cultural traditions may be destroyed when they are used as money-making attractions aimed at tourists. Some others believe this is the only way to save the tradition.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Some people think that cultural traditions may be destroyed when they are used as money-making attractions aimed at tourists. Some others believe this is the only way to save the tradition. In my opinion, the above two views are partly correct.

On the one hand, developing traditional tourist destinations helps us promote the country's historical and cultural image to more people. Example, the ticketed performance in Hoi An tourist area is "Hoi An Memories" which is also a form of business but still retains the inherent beauty of tradition. However, many traditional customs are commercialized as a result it loses originality and value. Investors pay too much attention to profits and do not focus on nurturing and developing cultural values, so they can make unnecessary changes. Such changes not only create a misleading impression for foreign visitors but can also make the dance less meaningful to locals and international friends.

On the other hand, I agree that used as money-making attractions aimed at tourists is the way to save the tradition but not only for some of the following reasons. First, the revenue earned can be used to preserve and develop cultural traditions. Second, by displaying historical and cultural items like museums helps people better understand their value while creating a sense of preservation in each person's heart.

In conclusion, using cultural traditions as money-making attractions has both positive and negative impacts on the preservation of such traditions.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
Nov 5, 2023   #2
The essay will get a failing task accuracy score in terms of paraphrasing considerations. That is because you decided to just do a cut and paste of the original prompt instead of rewriting it based upon your understanding. As you know, IELTS rules are very strict about plariagism. As such, you could actually find yourself being given an automatic failing score in this case. The examiners are very strict about these rules so you can expect that you will not receive a passing score for this paragraph even as you present an original writer's opinion. The first half of the paragraph is plagiarized so you will get a failing preliminary TA score, leading to an overall failing grade.

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