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'exotic tourist attractions' - a comfortable living in exchange of money?

qwertyui 1 / -  
Oct 18, 2012   #1
Many people believe that it is very important to make large amounts of money, while others are satisfied to earn a comfortable living. Analyze each viewpoint and take a stand. Give specific reasons for your position.

There is no denying that life-satisfaction is partly based on financial background. Nevertheless, almost anyone wonders how much money is enough. While some people are in favor of making as much money as possible, others believe earning a reasonable amount of money for basic expenses is sufficient. Of the two opinions, I support the latter for various reasons.

We have to acknowledge that the rich always gains certain material advantages . Firstly, more modern amenities can be afforded for a convenient life. For example, instead of riding a bike or car to work, which takes a great deal of time, using a private car makes travel far more enjoyable. In addition, rich people will receive a high quality health care to maintain their well-being. Copious amounts of money make it possible for their children to receive the best education abroad . Affluent families can also indulge in luxuries such as visiting exotic tourist attractions.

However, to make much money, people will definitely have to be whole-heartedly devoted to work. The best illustration is CEOs from large corporations, who earn an annual income of millions of dollars. They cannot separate work from their personal lives to enjoy themselves even during vacations. More seriously, their health can be adversely affected by the workload. In particular, it is likely for them to suffer common diseases related to overwork including stress, depression and obesity.

Apparently, life would be easier with a decent living. Although it is impossible for us to enjoy luxuries, we do not have to worry about how money should be spent. There will be more time for family gathering and many leisure activities , such as stamp collecting or gardening. On the whole, our life will proceed at a slower pace, thereby allowing space to reflect upon ourselves and concern about surrounding problems.

In conclusion, money should only be regarded as a tool to make life easier, not the ultimate goal to pursue. If we learn to feel satisfied with a reasonable income rather than sacrifice ourselves for excessive amounts of money, our life will be full of freedom and pleasure.
priya9991 2 / 4 1  
Nov 7, 2012   #2
Very good work. Few ideas might be added here and there, last but one paragraph is a bit confused.overall good job

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