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IELTS-Design of newly constructed buildings in big cities controlled by government

devabe2005 46 / 97  
Feb 6, 2013   #1
Some people think that design of newly constructed buildings in big cities should be controlled by governments. Do you agree or disagree?

Multi-storied building is increasing in the city due to overpopulation and people from village are moving to city for job and business. Some believe that new constructed building in big cities should be regulated by government. I partially agree that government should set rules for new building construction.

Government should not interfere on newly constructed building as people have their own design and architecture structure. For example, apartment or flats are crucial in large cities and it owned by many people. Governments officials will demand bribe the flat owners to offer huge amount to sanction or approve the new building. Moreover, it is individual's rights to built a building should not be restricted by the government.

On the other hand, people will neglect the basic rules of building construction unless prevented by government. The less gap between tow building result in congestion in big cities. Some builders occupy the some distance of road for the building which reduces the road surface. People will build according to their wish and without adequate space for each room and proper plan. For example, we know car park should be in ground floor for large building so that it will avoid parking car outside the building. But most of the building abandon and built the ground floor for residence. This situation lead to the government should take necessary action against violating rules of building.

To conclude, as people will not follow proper guidance for the building. It is necessary for the government to control the new constructed building as it is helpful and spacious for the dwellers and live a peaceful life.
joythblessy 86 / 272 15  
Feb 6, 2013   #2
Hai Dev...
People from village...===> cities in search of better living standards.
:...construction unless it is REGULATED by...
:tow building...?
:... Which reduces the width of the roads...
U started the essay with partcially agree, but conclusion it is end up with complete agree...(.

Be careful to restate your opinion in the conclusion.

You have some good points but it didn't came out in a good way....(.

Pahan 1 / 1904 553  
Feb 7, 2013   #3
Multi-storied building is increasing in the city due to overpopulation and people from village are moving to city for job and business.

The number of multi-storied buildings is increasing rapidly in cities due to the fast growing population of countries.

Government should not interfere on newly constructed building as people have their own design and architecture structure.

Governments should not interfere on newly constructed buildings as people have their own tastes when it comes to design and architecture.

For example, apartment or flats are crucial in large cities and it owned by many people.

For example, apartments or flats are essential in large cities and they are owned by many people.

Moreover, it is individual's rights to built a building should not be restricted by the government.

This sentence is unclear to me..

You have a lot of good points. But you need to work on your grammar. Hope this helps. :)
dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
Feb 8, 2013   #4
Multi-storied buildingsisare increasing in the city and people from villages are moving to city for jobs and business.

... pay attention to the corrections I made... It's good to keep them in plural form. However, I dont find this as a very good opening statement as it sounds irrelevant to me. I always advise to keep a good alignment with your topic through out your essay. That would earn you lots of marks.

My suggestion;
The big cities getting more and more crowded with constructions of new buildings is a common fact. ...now you can link the government part with this :)

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