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Developing public transportation or making a new type of car? What should be goverment's priority?

farhan110991 11 / 17 8  
Apr 6, 2015   #1
The proliferation of private cars on the roads in many parts of the world has led to serious problem of pollution and may contribute to global warming. some people think that government should spend money for development of public transportation system in order to help alleviate this problem. Other think it is better to spend money for the development of electric car and other types of cars that may cause less pollution.

do you think it is better for government to spend money developing public transportation or developing new kinds of cars? why or why not? give reason for your answer and include any relevant example from your own knowledge or experience.


More attention should be paid on how to reduce the pollution released into the atmosphere by cars' emission. As such, many a person contends that to alleviate this multifarious problem is heavily relied on a new invention of car. However, I would personally argue that the governments involvement should not be completely disregarded.

The first viable solution is a new type of an electric car. A 2006 study conducted by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) shows that the pollution released by an electric car is approximately 70 percent less than the average compact gasoline-powered vehicle. From this indisputable fact, this invention is able to cut the global warming emission.

In addition, the electric car can lower a budget for subsidizing gasoline and alters it for supporting trees-planting programs. Singapore, for example, has reduced the subsidy of gasoline by encouraging citizens to use solar-powered cars so as to hold event for planting a thousand trees . As it can be seen, the electric car also is closely related to restrict a considerable amount of pollution.

However, governments as a decision maker should implement suitable policies to this global problem. Firstly, a tax charge which citizens have to pay for getting over a city center has discouraged commuters to take their own private car and is used for constructing the comfortable public transport. For instance, Beijing's inhabitants are more likely to use a bus, which is more convenient, to travel to the city center due highly to considering the cost of tax charge. Moreover, the government should set up 3-in-1 transportation system. Likewise, Indonesia has implemented this system since 2007 in some areas, namely Jakarta and Bandung cities. This system does not allowed one car which the passenger is less than 3 people to get over the two areas. As a result, the substantial number of private cars has decreased gradually. All of this point out how important the government involvement in the global warming reduction.

The aforementioned evidence reveals that besides involving an invention of a new type car, to restrict the great deal of pollution requires an effective transportation system. Where possible, people should be wise to use their private cars to travel.
Vns9x 102 / 235 16  
Apr 6, 2015   #2
More attention should be paid on how to reduce the pollution released into the atmosphere by cars' emission. This beginning sounds sloppy and clumsy. I am fairly confident that you should have reminded the reader how emission could damage our Earth and the people who lived on it.

As a matter of fact, the prompt is requiring you to provide some reasons for your stand instead of a couple solutions for this issue.

I abhor to break it to you but you have totally deviated from the prompt!
thutyedaniel 32 / 30 17  
Apr 7, 2015   #3
More attention should be paid on how to reduce the pollution releasedbetter than you write produced into the atmosphere by cars' emission. As such, many a person contends that to alleviate this multifarious problem is heavily relied on a new invention of car. However, I would personally argue that the governments involvement should not be completely disregarded.
IqbalThemi 44 / 46 13  
Apr 7, 2015   #4
In addition, the electric car can be lower a budget for subsidizing gasoline and alters it for supporting trees-planting programs. Singapore, for example, has reduced the subsidy of gasoline by encouraging citizens to use solar-powered cars so as to hold event for planting a thousand trees . As it can be seen, the electric car also is closely related to restrict a considerable amount of pollution.
IqbalThemi 44 / 46 13  
Apr 7, 2015   #5
More attention should be paid on how to reduce the pollution released into the atmosphere by cars' emission. As such, many a person contends that to alleviate this multifarious problem is heavily relied on a new invention of car. However, I would personally argue that the governments involvement should not be completely disregarded. why? what your reason? your introduction is not clearly enough. You should mention concrete your hook, ideas and your reason.

The proliferation of private cars on the roads in many parts of the world has led to serious problem of pollution and may contribute to global warming. some people think that government should spend money for development of public transportation system in order to help alleviate this problem. Other think it is better to spend money for the development of electric car and other types of cars that may cause less pollution. do you think it is better for government to spend money developing public transportation or developing new kinds of cars? why or why not?

Let me rework your introduction:
Global warming is one of the most crucial problem around world. Many private vehicles today are one of predominant factors resulting green house gases, contributing in climate change. As such, some people believe that government should spending a lot of money for making public transportation system as this is good way to reduce the amount of pollution caused by fossil fuel burning in cars. However, others argue that city council should develop electric cars for society because it takes less pollution. Therefore, I would argue that spending money for developing public transports by official is better than making electric vehicles, whilst people's awareness to use limited private cars will support government's policy to solve the problem.
shintacandrade 10 / 73 87  
Apr 7, 2015   #6
Hi Farhan, I totally agree with iqbal's idea. Nevertheless, I find few mistakes there.

Global warming is one of the most crucialsevere problems around the world. Many private vehicles today are one of predominant factors resulting green housegreenhouse gases, contributing in climate change. As such, some people believe that governments should spending a lot of money for makingenhancing public transportation systems as this is good waythe best alternative to reduce the amount of pollution caused by fossil fuelsburningburnt in cars. However, others argue that city councils should develop electric cars for society because it takesproduces much less pollution. Therefore, I would argue that spending money for developing public transports by officials is better than making electrichybrid vehicles, whilstas people's awareness to use limitedlimit the using of private cars will support government's policygovernments policies to solve the problem.

Good luck!
IqbalThemi 44 / 46 13  
Apr 7, 2015   #7
Nice shinta... thanks for correcting my flaws there.

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