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This diagram details the process of making leather products. Summarise the information by selecting

Krutik 1 / -  
Sep 14, 2023   #1

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The pictorial chart illustrate the information about how to make skin products with the help of machines.

To begin with, production of skin products, the first step is, collecting skin skin from various animals and dry up to couple of time. After that, waiting for truck to Cary animal skin and transferred into the factory in which animal skin are washed in water and lime mixture. Then, these skins are soaked in lime for up to a number of time.

Next step is, skins are entered to the flattening in which, it flattens with the help of large rollers. Following that, the fattening skin the soaked in tannin with the help of water and vegetable matter. This soaked skin then polished by rolling device and that taken into the another factory by truck. Finally, the final product is made and complete for selling in market.

Overall, the process of making leather goods is done by taking seven stages, starting with collecting raw leather skin from animals and end with producing good leather products.

Home / Writing Feedback / This diagram details the process of making leather products. Summarise the information by selecting
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