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What are the differences between life in America and life in Third World nations

Rhadames 1 / 7  
May 12, 2009   #1
This is a project for English class, which is due may 13, 2009. The teacher asks me to respond this question with six pages, getting information from four different sources. What are the differences between life in America and life in Third World nations? I just found this site; I been reading for the last hours and love it. There are lot to learn from reading other people work and the feedback from the mentors. I will be using this site for long time as long they keep me as member. I need I need all type of feedback. Thanks.

What is the Difference between Life in America and Life in Third World Nations?

The world has been divided not by God but by men: by the political influences, the economic resources, and military authority. During the Cold War era, the world was separated into three worlds, each one with its respective allies. They classified the United States and its allies as the First World; the Soviet Union and its allies as the Second World; and as the Third World those Non-aligned and neutral countries. We cannot forget that "The Third World was a world excluded, subject to the power of alien worlds" (15), as John Isbisten in "Promises Not Kept," mentions. Due to this division, some nations gained social improvement, although it brought poverty for other nations, making life practically impossible for so many. To determine the effect caused by this divided world, we must respond to one question, what are the differences between life in America and life in Third World nations?

To have an idea of the importance of this topic, we need first to describe the term Third World nations and the term America. "... the term, Third World carried with it a sense of opposition, tension, and struggle..." (Isbisten 15). We can illustrate that Third World nation is "nations, which struggle to compete" [with one or more advanced nations] "because of lack of one or more of the following: health, education, employment, resources, money, technology and other various factors." Judi Clarke-Copeland, "The life of Third World was left behind at the starting block; it neglected to transform itself" (Isbisten 36). Third World governments are ruled by corrupted people who "...use funds to fatten their own wallets, while their citizens are starving...The US, for instance, many call it a democracy, when in fact it is a federal republic, although at times, depending on who is running the country has also been... full of bureaucracy, and an oligarchy." Judi Clarke-Copeland. The inefficient and those not aspiring to help the people make up a high percentage of the governments of the Third World nations which has caused many nations to sink deeper into problematic situations. For example, "one problem is that the basic infrastructure of the Third World is abysmal: [mean terrible.] The roads are not properly paved; [or not paved at all;] the water is not safe to drink, [in some countries people die of thirst, like a big part of Africa did not have drinkable water or food.] pollution in the cities has reach hazardous levels, public transportation is overcrowded and unreliable..." (D'Souza 436).

I share the same opinion as D'Souza about public transportation. For example, in the Dominican Republic people cannot count on punctuality or on good customer service. The company uses old buses that are dirty with broken seats and no glass in the windows and they carry twice the number of passenger that the bus were made for; the passengers look like cows in a wagon heading to the meat factory. In America, the buses for most of the time are punctual, clean, fast and not overcrowded. In addition, America has advanced train systems, which run according to a printed schedule and are very reliable and clean. The Third World Nations have train system too but only a few countries use the trains to transport passengers and not just produce. We can say, "government officials, who are very poorly paid, are inevitably corrupt, which means that you must pay bribes on a regular basis to get thing done" (D'souza 436). D'souza is telling the truth that if you need something done in a Third World country, you must pay if you want the service done fast, and efficient, otherwise, you are wasting your time and patience. Here in America, services are great and done on time but you have to form and wait in line everywhere you go and you must follow the rules. It does not matter where we live; money is the key to every door, which is sad but true.

According to D'souza "...for poor of the Third World, life is characterized by squalor, indignity and brevity" (436). As an immigrant from a country, which is part of a so-called Third World nation, and now a resident in America, I can see the differences in culture, politics, health, employment and education. I grew up in the Dominican Republic where I witnessed the lack of an effective government agency, which could have created a better living country. The lack of medicines and certified doctors in the majority of the public hospitals brought life expectancy down for everyone and increased premature births. The deficient public transportation system to move the work force kept the country at the end of the line struggling to compete with other advanced nations. A president does not rule my country, (Dominican Republic) but instead corrupt police and other military agencies rule it. . The president acts as a puppet elected by the people. Most of the time people are more afraid of the law enforcement than the criminals themselves. The need for a good quality department of electricity for the entire country is evident and the lack of it does not allow the economics to improve. In addition, the lack of school supplies, materials and resources cause frustration and boredom. Therefore, many students skip school or drop out of school as early of the elementary grades.

Everywhere in the world the rich live well but here in America, you do not have to be rich to have a great life. For example, "...sick people who do not have proper insurance can receive medical care at hospital... the poorest American girls are not humiliated by having to wear torn clothes, [you hardly ever see people wear torn clothing.] Every child is given an education, and most have the chance to go to college... Americans enjoy not only security and dignity, but also comforts that other societies reserve for the elite" (D'souza 438). In America, we do not see that big of a difference between rich and poor. Instead, we see it more in the color of his or her skin, which is another subject for another paper.

Now as a resident of America, I can notice the differences between life in the Third World and life here in America. I can agree with D'souza "America is a country where the poor live comparatively well. ...where the ordinary guy has a good life. This is what distinguishes America from so many other countries" (437). That distinction is what makes living in America so desired by people in other countries. As we step foot in America, we can become aware that things are different, the telephones always have a dial tone. The mail is fast and safe; education is free for everyone. "The roads are clean... the highway signs are clear and accurate, the public toilets function properly... [Moreover, the paper is soft and smooth.] [The supermarkets have] ...endless aisles of every imaginable product... full of countless unappreciated inventions: quilted toilet paper, fabric softener, cordless telephones, disposable diapers, roll-on luggage, and deodorant. [You can find goods from around the world. There is no problem returning things to the store. For the Third World countries and the cities of those countries, most of them do not have supermarkets; instead, they have local bodegas, stores and kiosks. Those neighborhood places hold only the daily basic goods of that region that are needed by the local people.] Most countries even today do not have these benefits: deodorant, for example, is unavailable in much of the Third World..." (D'Souza 433 - 437).

In the Dominican Republic, people hardly purchase or use paper towels, vacuum cleaners, canned soda, cereal, milk in a container, and other products that are regularly utilized each day in America. For instance, we can show how a normal family lives in America with at least one working parent, according to Isbisten the family

"lives in a house or an apartment with several bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, running water, a heating system and at least one bedroom (bathroom). ...a car, quite a lot of clothes, a radio, a television set, some books, and enough extra money to eat out... go to the movies, and take a vacation. The family members are generally in good health ...they have access to modern medical technology..." (19). [Now on the other hand, a Third World nation's family most likely] "... shares one room... the family members do not have enough good food to eat... they suffer from dietary deficiencies... they have few clothes, no private car, no vacation and no money to spend on things beyond necessities... they are threatened by bad health" (19-20) "... many of the industrial workers of the Third World subsist at standards of living that are low to the point of incomprehension for people living in the industrialized world" (17).

Americans cannot comprehend how people of the Third World countries could live earning sometime less than a $1.00 per day, no sick days, no vacation pay, and no over time. For example, "India's people make less than a $1.00 per day" (Isbisten 18). Most of their income goes to provide safety needs, since that is the first priority - food and shelter. The last thing in their mind is luxury. They wake up thinking where are we going to get food and how are we going to get it? On the other hand, will today be another hungry day in our survival existence? While that happens regularly somewhere in the Third World, in America food has been thrown out in the garbage in most houses and in 100% of the restaurant and many food factories. Americans do not need to worry that one day they will go without eating. There are so many types of help from the government, charities, organizations and churches. D'Souza points out that, "the social ethic is unaffected by the inequalities of wealth in the country" (437). In addition, John Isbisten in "Promises Not Kept" mentions, "The Third World... embraces countless cultures, religions, traditions, and ways of life." "Not every one in the Third World is poor: there are middle-class ...as pockets of luxury. There are productive factories and sparkling computer centers" (16-17). You can find those who have become rich on the backs of the poor people. Those who by been part of the government have gained personal fortunes. Those who know someone in the corrupt government can live like the middle-class, just having more luxury and privilege than the poor do. Most of the Third World people struggle just to survive. One process of surviving is to allow countries like America to build productive factories to produce their goods using cheap labor. This brings revenue to the country and employment to their citizens. "The gap between the richness of the developed countries and the poverty of the Third World is so huge that it is almost beyond our understanding" (Isbisten 19). Those who have lived in developed countries and also in the Third World could undertastand how large is the gap and how those poor people survive every day.

Your dreams can only go as far of your freedom can reach. If you live in nations where your free will has constraints, your dreams will die as soon as time passes, however, "In a free and mobile society, people can (theoretically, at least) become whatever they want to be" (Madell and Kirszner, 2008). Here in America people have the liberty to write their own future as they please. With the help of the government agencies, (Financial Aid) American students can attend college free or based on their parent's income. A lot of universities offer merit, sports and income based scholarships in order to provide a free or low cost education. According to D'Souza "if there is a single phase that encapsulates life in the Third World, it is that "birth is destiny" (440). What this mean is after your parents know your sex, the rest of your life is determined for you. As D'Souza, illustrate with an example of his own life. "If I had remained in India, I would probably have lived my entire existence within a one-mile of where I was born. I would... have married a woman of my identical religious, socioeconomic and cultural background. I would... have become a medical doctor, an engineer, or a software programmer. I would have socialized within my ethnic community... but few friends, outside that group. I would have a whole set of opinions... predicted in advance... my destiny would to a large degree have been given to me" (438-439). "In America, by contrast, you get to write the script of your own life" (438). American parents can question their child question about the future, leaving the answer to the child, parents can give advice but the last words it in the child hands, he could choose to be a doctor, engineer, or repair person. American sends they kids away to college, they live alone, they become independence, finding they identity. American makes most of the decisions for themselves. In most part of the Third World identity is preset for you, in America, your destiny is not. You are the artist of your own art, you are in the driver seat, and you set the ground for your own future.

We can conclude that living in the Third World and living in America have many differences. Money, freedom, sense of security and organize country play a mayor roll to created the style of life that American live compared with other nations. As American keep moving forward as powerful nation, there will be more differences' in the life of the Third world nations.

EF_Sean 6 / 3461  
May 12, 2009   #2
"The world has been divided not by God but by men: by the political influences, the economic resources, and military authority." Or even "The world has been divided not by God but by men: by politics, economics, and war."

Why do you mention the U.S. in your second paragraph? The U.S. is most definitely not a third world country.

Ugh. By the halfway point, I have no more interest in reading this paper. You are essentially arguing that the Third World is characterized by poverty and corruption, whereas America is not. I know this. Everyone knows this. No one would argue with you, which makes your essay deadly dull. It would be bad enough if you had written a one-page essay doing this, but to draw it out to six is a crime against your readership. You need a better thesis, one that is debatable, so that you can argue something that is interesting. You could argue that

"The Third World languishes in poverty because of the oppressive machinations of first world governments."

or that

"The Third World suffers from its own refusal to accept First World values."

Either would be controversial, hence interesting.

Don't be discouraged by the above criticism, though -- this is why people write essays, to learn and grow by creating multiple drafts of their work. Good luck.
OP Rhadames 1 / 7  
May 12, 2009   #3
Thanks for your criticisms; I did not choose my topic, neither the question, my teacher said: "make a six page project from that question." I cannot change the questions. With few sources, I draft these pages. He told me great work but need revising before summiting it. I mention America in the second paragraph because I am comparing with the service in the third world. yes America have poverty and corruption but a poor here is like rich in third world nations, and the corrupt government here is like a needle in the sand compare with those other nations.

"Writing has many points of view, even the same topic on the hands of diverse writer"

English is not my first language. Yes, I feel discouraged with your tough words; this is my first time in this site and my first post, may be my last. Thanks for call my paper a deadly dull. I did not make a crime writing my paper, may be if you finish reading it you could understand, but thanks any way, since my paper is no interesting to you.

I hope someone can help me.

Thank you for you help
EF_Sean 6 / 3461  
May 12, 2009   #4
I wasn't criticizing your use of language, only your choice of topic and your approach to it. But, if you had no choice, then you can't be blamed for taking the approach you did. Perhaps you could improve your essay by more clearly dividing your sub-topics. At the moment, they all end up being about wealth versus poverty, and the repetition is what gets tiring. But, your points don't have to be phrased that way. In fact, maybe you could make that your thesis:

"Life in the First World is made easy by wealth, whereas life in the Third World is made difficult by poverty."

Then, you could use each of your sub-points as a way of demonstrating the truth of that point.

"The First World can afford to provide its citizens with a social safety net, whereas the Third World cannot."

"The First World can afford to police its bureaucracy to prevent corruption, whereas the Third World cannot."

"The First World can afford to permit a greater range of individual liberties, whereas the Third World cannot."

If you were to structure your essay this way, you would still have the same overarching idea that you have now, but you could hone your sub-points so that they are distinct enough to still be interesting. Plus, you could keep a lot of what you have already written. You would just have to move some stuff around, and then add/alter some of your transitions.
EF_Kevin 8 / 13059  
May 12, 2009   #5
Ha ha, don't be offended by the harsh part of the critique! That is why it's called a "critique"... part of our job is to tell you if the essay GRABS our attention or loses it... and even to tell you if some words make us confused or offended. We just give a reaction to the essay and try to help.

Sean is from Canada, and he wishes he was from America! :)

Now, I wonder what your prof meant when he said it needs more work. He might have meant grammar... like this:

In the Dominican Republic, people hardly ever purchase or use ...

But that in not a bad mistake. You write well in English! Here is another minor mistake:

...earning sometimes with less than a $1.00 per day, with no sick days, no vacation pay, and no overtime pay.

...there will be more differences in the life of the Third world nations.

NOW, the most important thing about what Sean said was that the essay is only saying obvious things. When you write an essay, you should contribute at least one original idea.

You can add an idea to this essay by mentioning it in the intro, body and conclusion? How about an idea about how Americans can spread the wealth so that people in other nations can benefit? How about a idea based on religious convictions or humanitarian efforts?

The conclusion paragraph is very short, and it is because you don't have a unique idea to contribute.

HOWEVER, in the opening paragraph you said something very meaningful about balance being disrupted in the world. Can you expand on that in the conclusion? That might be just what the prof is looking for.
EF_Sean 6 / 3461  
May 12, 2009   #6
Sean is from Canada, and he wishes he was from America! :)

Don't worry -- if America and Canada both stay on their present courses, in twenty years or so we should be ready to annex you lot so that you are all part of the new Canadian Empire. Then we will all be from the same place, and can live happily ever after. ;-)
adalumi 5 / 13  
May 12, 2009   #7
You guys are so funny...and also...America is not everything in this world. As everywhere...advantages and disadvantages.

i found interesting this essay. i agree that is full of obvious points but...that is was the subject requested: a research. Though, it could have been made from a different approach.

even in the third world are reasons to be happy.
my opinion...
OP Rhadames 1 / 7  
May 12, 2009   #8
thank you for your help...Kenin that is the help i am looking for.. we are in the same page..

I am from the third world and now i live in america i see the differents, all country have corruption but in USA is not so obvious...

Yes, Third world have reasons to be happy, they are more friendly, they do not have anything but whatever they have, they are wiiling to share always, they enjoy life more than american..so on...
ttc1234 4 / 6  
May 13, 2009   #9
OP Rhadames 1 / 7  
May 13, 2009   #10
this is my conclusion:

We can conclude that living in the Third World and living in America have many differences. Money, freedom, sense of security and organize country play a mayor roll to created the style of life that American live compared with other nations. As American keep moving forward as powerful nation, there will be more differences in the life of the Third world nations. Americans can spread the wealth so that people in other nations can benefit, from men made blunder splitting up our world. Nations should move toward collectively to tininess their differences to structure an improved livable world.

to be esl student i think the project is good
OP Rhadames 1 / 7  
May 13, 2009   #11
wow i love thank you. you give the hope to kep writing instead some else who i do no want to mention his name.

writing is the only freedom that we have in our society..

EF_Kevin 8 / 13059  
May 13, 2009   #12
No no, you are definitely wrong! :) I understand what you mean about how the critique can be discouraging, but that is the MOST important part. The most important help you get is the feedback about what is not so good. As your English improves, you will be able to apply the principles that Sean mentioned. We often give people bad news and tell them their essays are boring or repetitive; it's necessary. I am a writer, so I realize how hard it is to see my own writing from other people's perspectives. In a writing group like this, it's important to be able to have "thick skin", and that means that people can tell you when your writing is not enjoyable. That way, you can fix it. So, don't take it to heart! :)
OP Rhadames 1 / 7  
May 13, 2009   #13
i am writing a book but in spanish.. i am a poet and i love to write about issues.

Thanks for all your help. i wil close this thread. soon i will open another one. for now i be trying to help others with the thread.

EF_Kevin 8 / 13059  
May 14, 2009   #14
Great, they'll be lucky to get your feedback. I had a Spanish teacher once who pointed out how much more beautiful Spanish was than English. She said the most beautiful term in English was "cellar door" because it sounds so fluid and smooth, like Spanish.

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