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IELTS essay -- Discuss that consumer goods are cheaper to buy

GOGO 1 / -  
Jul 16, 2012   #1
Topic:Nowadays,people live in the society where consumer goods are cheaper to buy. Do you think its advantages outweigh disadvantages?
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As a result of the widespread use of the machine and the development of modern technology, goods have become increasingly cheaper ,causing consuming more. For one thing, this trend has improve the material standard of living. For another, plenty of resources have been consumed and environment has been polluted due to the rise in comsuption. In my opinion, this trend has brought advantages and disadvantages.

Thanks to the progress in modern technology and breakthroughs in industry, a large number of goods are affordable for people, from digital products to beautiful clothes, which makes people live a wonderful life. For example, cell phones, which only the rich could afford in the early 1990s, began to be prevelant among the public ten years later due to the progress in manufacture. This small digital communication tool enable people to reach others easily. There is a large amount of evidence to confirm that the public benefit so much from increasing cheaper goods (e.g., automobiles, computers, TVs, etc.).

However, people tend to consuming too much goods has also caused many problems. Firstly, this trend has created severe environmental problems. For instance, in order to meet the endless requirements of customers, companies tend to enlarge production by building more factories. Consequently, these new factories erode thousands of acres of forest which is the habitats of numerous animals including those endangered. In addition, energy crisis become worse. Recently, most of machines are driven by fossil resources like coal and oil, which are non-renewable resources. Therefore, people should buy what they really need and should not waste them.

To conclude, goods becoming cheaper better people's life while this trend has also caused some problems such as the destruction of ecosystem and energy crisis. When shopping, customers should consume in moderation.
dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
Jul 16, 2012   #2
As a result of the widespread use of the machine and the development of modern technology, goods have become increasingly cheaper ,causing consuming morea rise in level of consumption.For one thingWhile this trend has improve the materialpeople's living standard of living . For another , plenty of resources have been consumed and environment has been polluted dueto the rise in comsuptionto this reason . In my opinion, this trend has brought advantages and disadvantages

The question asks you whether advantages overweigh the disadvantages. You need to say you agree on this or not, or you think they are in equal proportions.

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