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There's is no doubt that learning a second language is important for people - bilingual brain merits

ryan31 65 / 95 15  
Nov 16, 2016   #1
Multilanguage is work differently compared than mono language. There are two parts when using English as main language consist of active and passive. In the active parts, containing speaking and writing, while the passive parts has listening and reading. For instance, Gabriela who has two languages that are English and Spanish. She utilize English in school whereas Spanish used in the home and also to talk with friends. Children have tendency easily to learn about rather than adults. As a result, multilanguage has remarkable benefits for children and also can make more active, complex, healthy. This is no doubt that learning second language is important for people and there is no word late to learn about english since a little exercise can make it perfect.
m7mdbsheer 6 / 7 1  
Nov 16, 2016   #2
Hi Ryan, here are some suggestions to improve this piece of writing:
Multilanguage is works differently compared thanto mono language.
... using English as a main language ...
In The active parts, (...) the passive parts hasare listening and reading.
She utilizes English in the school whereas uses Spanish used in the home ...
Children have tendency easily toto easily learn aboutlanguages rather than adults.
... and also can make them more active, complex, and healthy.
... learning a second language (...) to learn about E nglish since ...
amrillahmk 29 / 47 6  
Nov 16, 2016   #3
Multilanguage isworkworks differently if it compares withcompared than mono language. ... English as main language consist ofwhich areactive and passive. In the active parts, containingit contains of speaking and (...) passive parts hashave listening and reading. For instance, Gabriela who has two languages ...

She utilizes English in school whereas Spanish is used in the home and also ...
justivy03 - / 2363 607  
Nov 16, 2016   #4
Hi Riandi, below are my thoughts on your essay.

- Multilanguage is works differently
- compared thanto the mono language.
- There are two parts when using the English language as the main language
- consist of active and passive learners .
- InFor the active partslearners ,
- containing speaking and writingthey understand what they speak and write ,
- while the passive parts has listening and readinglistens and reads .
- For instance, Gabriela who haspractice two languages,that ar e English and Spanish.
- She utilize English in school whereaswhile using Spanish used in theat home and also
- to talkin speaking with friends.
- Children have the tendency easily to quickly learn
- about rather than adults.
- As a result, multilanguagebeing multilingual has remarkable benefits
- for children and also can makewill help them be more active, complex, healthy.

There you have it Riandi, I hope the above remarks are helpful to your revision and should you have further clarification, do let us know so we can assist you further.

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