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English is used as a second language in some countries

Eiraj 1 / 2  
Nov 14, 2016   #1
TED-11 Summary: The World's English Mania

Jay Walker, one of the TED-Talk speakers, Jay Walker, delivered a topic about "The World's English Mania". He said English as international language or being second language in some countries in this globe is already learned from early age in many years. In the past, several media were available that people can be easily studying English throughout being fans of international football club or fans of the band from English-speaking country such England. Take one example, The Beatles at that time had a huge number of admirers who were really fanatic to this phenomenal band worldwide before 21th century, in which they were able to learn about English from the song lyrics. Contrarily, after years the citizens of the world, such as Southeast of Asia, China, and the others, found the new media. One of the ways was by screaming together, particularly in China, repeating after the instructor saying some words or sentences in the large area either indoor building or outdoor building, and this country has been the largest English-speaking country in the world. In short, English is really having many benefits for the non-English countries to broaden their knowledge about worldwide issues, and also being a problem-solving way.

ichanpants89 [Contributor] 16 / 757  
Nov 14, 2016   #2
Hi Asmawati! The following are several notes on your essay. I dope you can follow it through.

- Jay Walker, one of the TED-Talk speakers, Jay Walker ,...
- He said that English as an (needs an article) international language,(a comma is necessary) or being second language in some countries in this globethe world, is already learned from early age in manyfor several years.

- In the past, several media were available that people can be easily studying English... (it looks confusing)
- Contrarily, after several years,(put a comma here) the citizens of the world...

Please pay attention to the use of punctuation marks. You did not put a comma in two sentences here. The problem may look simple but it can be a major issue if one not consider it immediately. Good luck with your next practice!
nda18 46 / 79  
Nov 14, 2016   #3
hi eiraj, these are my thought towards your summary

Jay Walker, one of the TED-Talk speakers, Jay Walker, delivered a topic ...

He said that English as international ...
... were available so that people can be easily studying Englishstudy English easily ...
... really fanatic to this phenomenal bandthem worldwide before ...
... English from the song's lyrics
...either indoor building or outdoor building

you have problem related to the sentences structure

thanks, and goodluck

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