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Nowadays, not enough students choose science subjects in university in many countries. Explain why.

binh3108 1 / -  
Apr 8, 2021   #1

declining numbers of science students

In recent years, it is impossible to deny the fact that science students have limited in comparison with another field. Likewise, people wonder that how many issues were caused by this trend. An upcoming essay will provide some explanation for this reason.

At first, students have a desired to be a successful man in a short time without being not too hard work and patience, while science requires a great deal of time devoted for studying, particularly in researching. Science students have to stick to university for 4-6 years and take specific course, training period,... to start their career path if they still have their passion. Secondly, engrossing in study means students have to minimize their leisure time to reap a benefits of searching.

Furthermore, governments must to launching a full- scale investigation to find out people and recruit them for their laboratories because science plays an important part in our life. For example, various kind of diseases is said to be harsh to find a medicine that lacking of scientists and specialists in this field are one of the reason for this problem. The less science experts, the more money invested in this this domain.

In conclusion, although the number of meritorious science student increased significantly, it's not an impossible mission to resolve if governments maximize their profits and regard them as essential force.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 14982 4813  
Apr 9, 2021   #2
I cannot continue to review this essay as it falls under the minimum word count. Out of 250 words, you have only provided a 225 word discussion. That means the full essay is going to be considered under developed and lacking in substance (coherence and clarity of discussion). There is no clear discussion path provided in response to the prompt questions in the restatement either. The lack of thesis representation made the paraphrase slightly confusing to read as the point of the discussion and your opinion are not clear to the reader. Like i said, It is difficult for me to accurately judge your ability to properly respond to the prompt due to the short word count. It would be better for you to practice writing within the minimum word count first to ensure that you will not receive word shortage penalties at the start of the essay scoring consideration. When you are short on the word count, it is often difficult to garner a passing score at the end.

Home / Writing Feedback / Nowadays, not enough students choose science subjects in university in many countries. Explain why.
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