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IELTS- Families shouldn't pay taxes if not sending children to government schools

Atalla 2 / 5 2  
Jan 19, 2013   #1
[b]Families who do not send their children to government-financed schools should not be required to pay taxes that support universal education.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Education is the main concern of every family raising up children, there is an argument about whether those who do not send their children to a government-financed schools should pay taxes that support universal education or not. I believe that all families should participate in paying taxes for many reasons that will be explained.

First, government-financed schools are available to all the community members, regardless of their financial status, and it is up to each family to decide what type of education they opt for their children. Some families may prefer their children to join private schools even if this applies a burden on their budget; they sacrifice for the sake of their children's career. So, in this case some may say that it will be unfair if they are obliged to pay taxes to support universal education. I have a friend of mine who used to send his children to private schools, and all of a sudden he had a financial crisis that led him to withdraw his kids the private to a public school. Thus, there is no guarantee that any one will afford the cost of private schools.

Secondly, we all live in one community even if we do not gain direct benefit from government-financed schools Indirectly we will be affected by the level of graduates of these schools, engineers. doctors, plumbers and firefighters, all provide valuable services, based on the training they receive in public schools.

To sum up, supporting universal education by paying taxes, even if we don't send our children to public schools, is mandatory. It emphasizes the notion that community solidarity is an important virtue in strengthening the ties between individuals.

I would appreciate it if you give me a feedback on this essay
Pahan 1 / 1904 553  
Jan 19, 2013   #2
Education is the main concern of every family raising up children,

Education is the main concern of every family raising children,

First, government-financed schools are available to all the community members, regardless of their financial status, and it is up to each family to decide what type of education they opt for their children.

.... Good point.

he had a financial crisis that led him to withdraw his kids the private to a public school.

he faced a financial crisis that gave him no choice but to remove his kids from the private school they were attending and transfer them to a public school.
dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
Jan 19, 2013   #3
a government-financed schools

a government financed school/ government financed schools

I believe that all families should participate in paying taxes for many reasons that will be explained.

.... the later part sounds a bit stereo type ;
I believe that it is important that every family should participate in paying taxes irrespective of what schools their children attend due to several reasons.
devabe2005 46 / 97  
Jan 20, 2013   #4
I have a friend of mine who used to send his children --> when you giving proof before stating give "For example", "To illustrate"
joythblessy 86 / 272 15  
Jan 20, 2013   #5
Hai Sahar..

The first sentance in the introduction.
I feel, it is a long sentance. So make it two...):

You have good points..

Keep on reading and writing..

OP Atalla 2 / 5 2  
Jan 20, 2013   #6
Hi Tessy,

Thank you for your comment and advice


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