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The fluctuation in monthly prices for copper, nickel and zinc throughout the year 2014

NguyenChuc 1 / -  
Sep 12, 2023   #1

The average monthly change in the prices of three metals during 2014

The line graph illustrates the fluctuation in monthly prices for copper, nickel and zinc throughout the year 2014.

It is clear from the graph that the prices of copper and nickel showed a downward trend, with nickel the highest volatility among them. On the other hand, zinc experienced a marginal increase.

In January 2014, the price of nickel was up 6%, surpassing that of copper 2% and 1% respectively. However, the trend for nickel reversed in the following months, as the percentage changes dropped to 1% by March and reached a low of -3% by June. After reaching a high of 3% in February, zinc entered a downward trend throughout the first half of the year, with -1% in June. Similarly, copper prices also declined, with changes mostly around 1% to -1%, lower compared to the other metals.

From July to September, nickel, zinc and copper remained static at -1%, about -0, 5% and 1% respectively. However, after October to the end of the year, there was a slight increase trend for all of three metals, with 1% for nickel, 1, 5% for zinc and 2% for copper in December.

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
Sep 26, 2023   #2
The report is well developed and contains all of the necessary information. However, the paragraph presentations are uneven in terms of formatting. The page is off balance. You have to do a better job of presenting cohesive information. You do not need to over discuss since you are only doing a reporting analysis. Stick to 175 words whenever possible. This is not the type of essay that would require a full 200 word count.

Do not misunderstand. You have the potential to score well in the task 1 exam. The problem is that you are not focusing on the quality of the report. You are more concerned with your word count and simply presenting the information in the most complete form. Sometimes, you do not have to use practically a cut and paste presentation in these essays. You have to be simple. Simplify things for the reader.

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