The pies show Germany and France electricity generation 2009. The power of electricity in German 560 billion kwh and the power of electricity in France 510 kwh.
Generally, Electricity in German and France divided into two parts. They are electricity all type and electricity renewable. Electricity all type involved conventional thermal, renewable and nuclear. Electricity renewable involve biomass, hydroelectric, solar, geothermal and wind.
Electricity of Frence is more using nuclear 76% then Germany 23%. Renewable is more usage in Germany biomass 39.3% than hydroelectric more usage in France 80.5%. Electricity in German depend on conventional thermal although in France depend on nuclear and hydroelectric.
Overall, France more economical then Germany because they use nuclear for electricity eventhought they only produce power 510 billion kwh.
Generally, Electricity in German and France divided into two parts. They are electricity all type and electricity renewable. Electricity all type involved conventional thermal, renewable and nuclear. Electricity renewable involve biomass, hydroelectric, solar, geothermal and wind.
Electricity of Frence is more using nuclear 76% then Germany 23%. Renewable is more usage in Germany biomass 39.3% than hydroelectric more usage in France 80.5%. Electricity in German depend on conventional thermal although in France depend on nuclear and hydroelectric.
Overall, France more economical then Germany because they use nuclear for electricity eventhought they only produce power 510 billion kwh.