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IELTS 1: Goods transported in the UK from 1974 to 2002 by four modes of transport

chupchip 1 / 2 1  
Mar 12, 2023   #1


The line graph depicts the number of cargo delivered in the UK by four transportation methods over a 28-year time frame in 1974. Except for the railway, it is apparent that other alternatives all experienced an increase in commodities conveyed.

To begin with, the majority of freight was shipped by road in 1974, with over 70 million tons, while only roughly one-tenth of that amount was reported in terms of pipelines. On-road transportation exhibited steady growth over the timespan, reaching its peak in 2002 with nearly 100 million tons. In addition, freight transshipment through pipelines hit the highest point - nearly 30 million tons in 1990 before slightly dropping back to over 20 million in the next year and remaining constant for the remainder of the era.

In 1974, the amount of cargo transported by waterway and railway was approximately 40 million in 1974. The amount of freight conveyed by water increased constantly except in 1998, reaching more than 60 million at the end of the period. In contrast, it was shown that the utilization of trains for goods transportation fluctuated over time, wavering between 28 to nearly 41 million.

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
Mar 14, 2023   #2
Teh summary overview definitely needs improvements. For starters, the run on sentence could have been presented over 3 sentences since a basic English sentence, which is expected for this presentation, should have one informational reference each. In addition to that, you should have enumerated the information presented in terms of what cargo transport was used. Let us also not forget that your information should indicate the specific start and end date for the image provided. Good job on properly identifying the image provided though. Not all students know to be specific with the image name. Keep that up.

To begin with,

Since a task 1 essay does not have a concluding paragraph, there is no need to indicate at what point your review starts. Just delve directly into the topic sentence. Focus on information quality rather than word filler usage, which does nothing for your score.

Home / Writing Feedback / IELTS 1: Goods transported in the UK from 1974 to 2002 by four modes of transport
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