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(IELTS graph) Cinema attendance of different age group of people in Australia

joythblessy 86 / 272 15  
Feb 18, 2013   #1
The given chart describes about the cinema attendance of different age group of people in Australia, ten years between 1990 to2010. The age groups included 14 to24 yrs, 25 to 34 yrs, 35 to 49 yrs and above 50 yrs. The group above 50 yrs and 35 to 49yrs showed similar pattern of attendance, where as 25 to 35yrs shows a gradual increase and then decrease and 14 to 24 yrs remained roughly the same with marginal increase.

Turning to detail, the attendance of the age group of above 50yrs and 35 to 49yrs were only 40% and 60% in 1990 respectively, they continued the same level for next year. Then both groups showed a gradual increase though in 1996 above 50yrs showed a negligible drop. Above 50 yrs reached 55% 1998, the same age period 35 to 49yrs remained the same. After the year 2002 both age group's percentage raised significantly and at the end of the ten years both reached at its peak of 60% for above 50yrs and 35 to 49yrs it was 85%.

In case of 25 to 34 yrs, though it started at the level of 60%. It reached at its peak in 2000 and then remained constant for the next six yrs and dropped slowly. At the same time the age group of 14 to 24 yrs started at the level of 90% on 1990, after a minimal drop next year, it regained and reached the second highest position in 1996, 95%. Thereafter, it dropped by next year, and remained constant until 2008. In 2010 it touched it's peak of 98%.

william731 18 / 43 13  
Feb 18, 2013   #2
The given chart describes about the cinema attendance of different age group of people in Australia, ten years between 1990 to2010

no need to use about
different age groups

The group above 50 yrs and 35 to 49yrs showed similar pattern of attendance


Above 50 yrs reached 55% 1998

in 1998

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