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Some group of people complain and feel unsatisfied that government is wasting money on arts

aviniwirastri 10 / 35 11  
Mar 23, 2016   #1
Some people think that the government is wasting money on the arts and this money could be better spent elsewhere.
To what extent do you agree with this view?

National budget is managed by the government. When it goes to wrong sector, some group of people in society will complain and feel unsatisfied. In this case, a statement attacking the government is that they should not waste too much money on arts. They think that other sectors need to be financially supported by the government. Although we cannot judge that art sector is not important, wasting too much money on it is unnecessary.

Since people pay tax to the state, moreover when the charge of tax is high, they will put pressure on government to provide their demands. It will surely be a problem because government will never be able to full fill all what every citizen wants. Art, in this context, is non-essential sector to fund. Perhaps, art is not a beneficial sector in certain industrial areas, but it might be an important sector that consumes more national budget in any other areas. The opinion depends on where people live and how they see the situation. Non-industrial areas which have many craftsmen living will fight against this argumentation.

Actually, it is difficult for government to make a decision. One thing that can be done by government is to measure the level of necessity that country has. It means that what country needs should be sharply recognized by the government. Other sectors, like education, economy and health care, are need to be considered too.

As my final statement, government must find out what is urgent to be a priority. Art is also essential to develop, moreover when art comes as a character of the county itself, nevertheless state cannot override other sectors and people's aspiration. I agree with the opinion to not waste money on art, Because Waste word here means spending too much money. So, government, as a policy maker, should properly spend the money and ensure that the sectors funded will give a positive feedback.
cirora 3 / 3  
Mar 23, 2016   #2
The National budget
because the government
what a country needs
are needed to
The Everest 4 / 3  
Mar 23, 2016   #3
As my final statement, government must find out what is urgent to be a prioritywhat the urgent priority is.

Ver good essay
Yusri31 28 / 31 8  
Mar 23, 2016   #4
National budget is managed [...] money on it is unnecessary.

I will try to give you suggestion :

1. Please check clearly the question, To what extent do you agree with this view?
Therefore, you must mention " You agree or disagree with this statement. It is important to be written in introduction part.

2. Your sentence is so rambling, i cannot find the cohesivity each sentence.
3. Please check the grammar and collocations

There are several sectors allocated by the government to be funded such as art, health, public service, education and the other sectors. Some people consider allocating the fund to art sector as wasting of money. I really disagree with this statement due to the reason that the art has a great deal of benefits to societies. However, the comparison regarding the total of fund must lower than several other sectors such as education and health
nida26 30 / 19 5  
Mar 30, 2016   #5
Hi. Miss Avini. Let me try to answer your question

This is the question:
Some people think that the government is wasting money on the arts and this money could be better spent elsewhere.
To what extent do you agree with this view?

In my view, you should answer the task response (agree/ disagree) at your introduction or first paragraph. Thus, the examiner will be know your position directly whether you agree or disagree with that statement. In the conclusion, you can also put agree/ disagree statement to clear up your position.

For example, if I get a agree/disagree question. Then, I will decide to choose agree position. I will write 3 statements agree :
1. In introduction (Thesis Statement)
2. (Option 1) First body: I will explain why I disagree. But, in the last sentence at first body, I will state that I agree with the statement.

(Option 2) Second Body: After I explain why I disagree at first body, then in the first sentence at second body, I will state that I agree

3. In conclusion

That's all for me, I hope it is helpful :)
Thank you

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