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A growing number of people feel that animals should not be exploited by people

Shahoo 3 / 5  
Dec 13, 2013   #1
A growing number of people feel that animals should not be exploited by people and that they should have the same rights as humans, while others argue that humans must employ animals to satisfy their various needs, including uses for food and research.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

The issues about animal rights have been discussed and argued with logical explanation such as human beings` cruel approach to wildlife and also, innocence of people in utilizing animals for personal purposes. However, both aspects haven`t been enough satisfying to settle up new legislation or rights for animals, even though some people still insist that animals must be treated as humans, I strongly oppose to this tendency, animals are animals, humans are humans.

Animals are our food, clothes, entertainment and also pets. Yes, indeed those beautiful and valuable creatures deserve respect and fair treatment and we share this planet together, but these facts don`t mean we are equal. Imagine, if animals have the same right as people then what is a lion tries to taste a hunter, murdering wild lion the hunter should be sentenced, or in opposite case lion should be caged. Moreover animals aren`t intellectual as humans, they are not able to understand the rights or honors given to them if we do give them.

Treating animals as humans we should stop eating meat which contains important vitamins. Perhaps, we could survive without vitamins that contributed by meat, but how about food balancing system, if we cut down intaking of meat then vegetables are only solution left. Unfortunately land for farming is extremely limited so it`ll defiantly rise the cost of products.

To sum up, Trying to invent utterly diverse agenda for treating wildlife, humans will create massive problems which will dramatically deteriorate our lives.
247 words
dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
Dec 13, 2013   #2
Treating animals as humans we should stop eating meat which contains important vitamins.

meat contains protein mostly and not vitamins. :D
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