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Happiness is a magic which is very hard to describe

mardian24 46 / 74  
Nov 8, 2016   #1
Happiness is considered very important in life. Why is it difficult to define? What factors are important in achieving happiness?

Having a happy life is the purpose for everyone. It is the most essential thing that someone wants to make it true. Happiness is a magic which is very hard to describe, but many factors can make people happy.

Everybody has different opinion if someone asks about happiness. It happens because the rate of happiness is different from one person to another. Sometimes people said that happiness is reached by having luxury car and in the other side said that having a child is the real happiness. It depends on people's point of view how they feel or thing about happiness. For instance, a business man who has many companies never feel happy, but he feel worry to get lose their wealthy. In contrast, a poor man life happily even he does not have big house or much money. So, it is not easy to categorise what is happiness mean.

However, many ways can make people feel happiness. For the first is they have a good physic or health in body. People who get sick always imagine how lucky they are if they have good condition. After that, people who have good relationship with their family always happy, because they live in a peace and do not have conflict that can make them stress. And the most influence for getting happiness is always accept whatever the condition that people get through.

All in all, there is no doubt that happiness is very crucial in life. Even it is hard to describe but many ways to reach happiness itself. However, life by helping each other is an absolute happiness that can people gets in their life.
Anna94 47 / 56 3  
Nov 8, 2016   #2

For instance, a business man (it can be connected ) who has many companies never feel (fell ) happy, but he feel (feels) worry to get ...
In contrast, a poor man (possessive》 poor man's life) life happily even he does not have (a) big house ...

... and do not have (a) conflict


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