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We should help minority nations to keep their languages for the cultural diversity

ernazaralakoz 1 / 1  
Dec 1, 2017   #1
Every year several languages die out. Some people think that this is not important because life will be easier if there are fewer languages in the world.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

local languages in the global world

Some international languages are widely used for many purposes. Some maintain that minority languages will die out and some nations tend to keep minority languages. I reckon that most common used international languages ease our life quality and communication with different nationalities. On the other hand, we need to help improve minority languages.

There are many languages in the entire world and two or three minority languages die out each year. Some countries try to save dying languages. For instance, Australian Government created a project to save the language and culture of Maori who are Australian aborigines. And there are other projects to keep minority languages such as American Indian language.

However, worldwide job market usually requires candidates who can speak English or other international languages. People who cannot speak lingua franca could hardly be promoted at work. For example, some companies need an employee who can deal with foreign companies.So that most people tend to learn at least one international language that helps them to find a better job.

Therefore, world needs one common lingua franca that should be spoken in any country. Consequently, one common language should be a required subject in every school. So anyone speaking one common language can travel without worries to any point of the world and trade their products. People will not be obliged to learn many languages.

In conclusion, we should help minority nations to keep their languages for the cultural diversity. To ease the worldwide communication among nations, we should create a common language and provide courses of it. As a result, no one will face a language issue.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4835  
Dec 1, 2017   #2
Ernazar, your score for this essay will be a 1. I know, I know, that is a failing score. I wanted to give you at least a 2 on this essay but based upon the scoring criteria for the Task Accuracy portion, which is the first and foremost scoring consideration, the response that you gave in the essay is completely unrelated to the task. The tipping point for my decision is the instruction sentence in the original prompt. Let me show you where the mistake lies:

Original Discussion Instruction: To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Your Discussion Response: I reckon that most common used international languages ease our life quality and communication with different nationalities. On the other hand, we need to help improve minority languages.

The mistake in your response is as clear as day. You do not, at any point in your opening paragraph, deliver a proper "emotional" response based on the terms "strongly, partially, to a certain extent, totally, and other strong opinion representation terms. The essay asks you to take a strong, emotional response then defend that in your presentation. If you used the term "I partially agree", then you could have used this comparison essay in the discussion. However, since you did not accurately represent the prompt requirements by offering a correct emotional response, the rest of the scoring considerations could not be given heavier weight in terms possible scores.
PeterBrown 16 / 25 6  
Dec 1, 2017   #3
I agree with what Holt said and also i do not think it is appropriate to use we here as it should be formal In conclusion, we should help ... I will try to rephrase it, In conclusion, it is important to help minority nations to preserve their languages for the cultural diversity.

Also this is one sentence For instance, Australian Government ... aborigines. And and there are ...

The structure of the third paragraph looks wrong to me I would instead say
The world , therefore, needs one common lingua ... any country and this language should be a compulsory subject in every school which will enable any individuals to travel without worries to any point of the world and trade their products.
sfiza 17 / 28  
Dec 3, 2017   #4

i have read your essay, I think you should read more that help your writing. some suggestion is given bellow for your next writing.

your introduction is in poor format. there are some format to write a introduction that need to be followed in writing task; otherwise you will get low band in scoring.

format - paraphrase the promt using different word and sentence structure.

I m sharing here one of my practice writing.

It is evident that a number of languages have been disappearing each year. This phenomenon is not a concern for some, who urge that fewer languages would be better for worldwide communication.

then put your thesis sentence- I totally agree with...............
next is outline- in this essay, i will discuss........

hpoe it help you.

keep writing :)
OP ernazaralakoz 1 / 1  
Dec 3, 2017   #5
As languages such as English, Spanish and Mandarin become more widely spoken, there is a fear that many minority languages may die out. Some countries have taken steps to protect minority languages.

What is your view ?
That was the topic of essay. Anyway, is it out of topic ?
Jimmy879873 26 / 55 13  
Dec 5, 2017   #6
Hi Ernazar, I believe the reason that you failed in this essay is not about off-topic but rather, an emotional statement in the opening. Also, when you use the phrase 'on the other hand', it puts the whole essay into comparison which is not the requirement of the prompt. So, either way, it would still be a bad start.

Hope that helps.

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