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IELTS task 2: History a fascinating subject.

eddies [Contributor] 25 / 1201 476  
Mar 5, 2014   #1
Hellooo Freinds...
I'm preparing an IELTS exam. I need feedbcak. Task Response, Coherence and Cohesion, Lexical Resource and Grammar.

Some people find history a fascinating subject. Others say it is dull and has no place in modern life. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

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Different people have different taste. This personal perspective also raises when we talk about history. For some people, history is a fascinating lesson which takes someone who learns this more socially aware of what happened in the past. While this proven one can be accepted, the opponents argue that history is very dull compared with all those interesting things people meet in modern life. Analyzing both views of history as a fascinating or boring-to-outdated subject will be examined in this essay.

For some people, history is about interesting moment in the past, which can be learnt from books and movies. There are many books written specifically for historic times. For example, how Roman Empire created irrigation system or how the pyramids of Egypt were built can be recorded as part of history that schoolchildren or scholars can read and find what the insight is in. There are more likely to discuss the reasons why some people study history. Indeed, one of them, for which these people might say 'yes', is that they could discover such an interesting timeline story. Perhaps what Maureen Clemmons wondered about a giant kite lifting heavy objects, after perusing a book which she found in the monuments of Egypt, is a riveting testimony of history.

Like in classrooms, history can be commonly found as a general subject to teach students about fascinating life stories in the past. Also, History really teaches many useful skills. These include: the ability to think critically and construct arguments, awareness of differing points of views and understanding cultures. But, what if this has been distorted? An example of the history of Soeharto's new order and its legacy which has been presented with oversimplified information in History in my country, even if no agenda, this takes schoolchildren consciously and subconsciously persuaded with narrow dogmatism in the past. Indeed, this is such antiquarian knowledge which is of no practical use in modern life.

Apparently, some others do not really care about what happened in the past. 'What done is done', it is the best quote to show their feelings about history which is outdated. These people tend to think that it's time to pursuit their values and goals. Result shows that the numbers of people who like reading history and going to museums are experiencing a severe downturn, while the percentages of motivation books and tickets of nightlife and clubs, which are sold out, show the growing trend in consumer choice. Perhaps history is just meaningless symbols to them.

In the end, it is up to them to entail what history is for. Where possible, I think people should realize everything starts from the past, so they could learn something valuable in the past for their future. But, people are free to express their preferences through the willingness-to-pay choices in modern life. One example is history.

dumi 1 / 6909 1592  
Mar 5, 2014   #2
Different people have different taste.

...yes of course :D
Different people have different tastes.

This personal perspective also raises when we talk about history.

This is no exception for what people think about history.

For some people, history is a fascinating lesson which takes someone who learns this more socially aware of what happened in the past.

For some people, history is a fascination subject and learning history is an enriching experience.

While this proven one can be accepted, the opponents argue that history is very dull compared with all those interesting things people meet in modern life.

For some others, history is something dead and they do not find any relevance or meaning in learning it for the use of modern life.
Pahan 1 / 1899 553  
Mar 5, 2014   #3
I feel you do not come up with strong arguments why history fascinates some people. You say it is so, but do not provide why they feel it that way. You need to say some reasons . May be you can say that those guys find history as a subject which teach them lessons from past so that they can face their present and future problems better with the lessons learned from past experiences.

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