News editor decide what to broadcast on television and what to print in newspaper. What factors do you think influence these decisions? Do we become used to bad News? Would it better if more good news was reported
Throughout the time, News has become a part of everybody's lifestyle. Many people work behind the news producing, includes News editor who is responsible to decide what it should be printed or broadcasted.
Moreover, News editor has several considerations which are stance before it delivers to the News consumer. Location where the events occurred is one of the News editor considerations. Local editor tends to pick the issue from place nearest with him (her) even in the same time there is another interesting event needed to report. Further, another consideration to pick news for publishing by their agency is the issues popularity. The President's affair certainly has differential content in order to catch reader interest rather than reportage about university's graduation. Those considerations are related to the "selling point" in order to preserve reputation and rating from the News Agency where they work.
Nevertheless, daily News not always contains good values. Although reportages, demonstration and rebellion, include violence which can influence immature reader to copied, majority of our society may consume it as daily need. It is because the society believes that there is a good value they can get behind the bad content. This belief wider to a vision for the betterment in news report someday.
Therefore, better quality of new may similar with the literacy skill in the society and certainly this is essential to dealt with their daily duties. Qualified News is responsible to wider people knowledge in society elements such as student, worker or professionals. For example, student may wider their point of view, or a lawyer inspires to give suggestion for his client based on case update which News broadcasted or printed was.
In conclusion, considerations from News editor to pick issues in the printed or broadcast News surely affected society. As News consumer, each of society should be wise to pick where News, good or bad, needed in order to wider their knowledge.
Throughout the time, News has become a part of everybody's lifestyle. Many people work behind the news producing, includes News editor who is responsible to decide what it should be printed or broadcasted.
Moreover, News editor has several considerations which are stance before it delivers to the News consumer. Location where the events occurred is one of the News editor considerations. Local editor tends to pick the issue from place nearest with him (her) even in the same time there is another interesting event needed to report. Further, another consideration to pick news for publishing by their agency is the issues popularity. The President's affair certainly has differential content in order to catch reader interest rather than reportage about university's graduation. Those considerations are related to the "selling point" in order to preserve reputation and rating from the News Agency where they work.
Nevertheless, daily News not always contains good values. Although reportages, demonstration and rebellion, include violence which can influence immature reader to copied, majority of our society may consume it as daily need. It is because the society believes that there is a good value they can get behind the bad content. This belief wider to a vision for the betterment in news report someday.
Therefore, better quality of new may similar with the literacy skill in the society and certainly this is essential to dealt with their daily duties. Qualified News is responsible to wider people knowledge in society elements such as student, worker or professionals. For example, student may wider their point of view, or a lawyer inspires to give suggestion for his client based on case update which News broadcasted or printed was.
In conclusion, considerations from News editor to pick issues in the printed or broadcast News surely affected society. As News consumer, each of society should be wise to pick where News, good or bad, needed in order to wider their knowledge.