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Increasing price of petrol would not help controlling traffic

RavLlika 1 / -  
May 20, 2013   #1
Nowadays,both the price of petrol and pollution increase rapidly. Towns also suffered from traffic jams due to the excessive use of cars.Due to the high increase in the demand of the petrol the pollution and traffic problems may doesn't effect to it.If the price of the petrol is increased there is no change in the traffic and pollution.Although,there are some of the advantages for opting with the incline in petrol prices,I prefer decline in the fuel like petrol prices due to many reasons.

Firstly,quoted by Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam "That was never on my radar, traffic stopping. It was never important to me",the quotation is very apt in our discussion because the traffic may never depends on the increase or decrease in the petrol costs,rather if effects the people in the society on the roads traveling through.The traffic problems may ensure especially in the main metropolitan cities like Hyderabad,new Delhi etc.Due to this heavy traffic it takes more time to reach to the destination while traveling on the roads.this is the reason I prefer increase in petrol doesn't save the traffic and also pollution problems which are produced.

To support my opinion I would like take up an example which reflects practically,in my intermediate board examination when I'm going for the exam,the centre is far away from the residence.So I started to the exam in the car I have strucked up in the traffic which resulted in five minutes late to the examination.Due to the traffic many of the people is suffering either by internally are externally.The further complications because of the traffic is pollution,due to the colossal traffic the gases which are released through the vehicles like carbon dioxide,nitrogen,oxygen which evaporated and mixed with air.Thus,the air which mixed gases will effect the ozone layer through which the many diseases will be occurred.The traffic pollution is very dangerous it reflects on the human health hazards.Not only for particular reason I have gone through many practical situations which led me to inclined for the traffic.

Lastly,I prefer increase in the petrol it doesn't effect the traffic for the practical reasons like refutable,and petrol is more indepensable.Although in some cases,with the people in the society encouragement to stop the vehicles through the roads,thus which leads to the better cooperating for the reducing the traffic.I conclude by proposing that in most of the cases petrol rising in the cost doesn't works on the traffic and the pollution but every decision has to made according to time so it depends on heat position we ware opting it.

dumi 1 / 6846  
May 21, 2013   #2
Towns also suffered from traffic jams due to the excessive use of cars.

.... maintain one tense

Due to the high increase in the demand of the petrol the pollution and traffic problems may doesn't effect to it

... this is a confusing sentence. Your idea does not flow well here... I think you should re-phrase this line again

Although,there are some of the advantages for opting with theincline in petrol prices,I prefer decline in the fuel like petrol prices due to many reasons.

... this line too is very confusing. You have used the words "incline" & "decline" inappropriately.
Try and write simple sentences.... What is more important is clarity than heavy use of vocabulary. If you are not sure of the real meaning and usage of key words, avoid using them.

traffic may never dependsdepend on the increase or decrease in the petrol costs

traffic depends/ traffic may depend

The traffic problems may ensure especially in the main metropolitan cities like Hyderabad,new Delhi etc

... what do they ensure? or is it some other word you wanted to use?

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