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The information about the alteration number of elephants in several Asian countries

ryan31 65 / 95 15  
Nov 11, 2016   #1
A breakdown of the information about the alteration top number of elephants several countries in Asia between 1997 and 2004 is shown in the bar chart. Overall, it is really important to bear in mind that there were eight countries which had the highest elephant population in 1997, apart from Cambodia. Nevertheless, Laos had same maximum population both 1997 and 2004.

The highest level of estimation population elephants was recorded in India in both years. This was followed by Myanmar at approximately 5500 and 4800 in 1997 and 2004 respectively. In 1997, the third position was occupied by Thailand, while Sri Lanka also takes this position in 2004.

There was an alteration when comparing Malaysia after a seven-year period since the large gap appeared to be true by 2,000. Turning to Vietnam that had the number of elephants population decreased by 100 in 2004. Surprisingly, the contrast was seen in the proportion of Cambodia which experienced an increased to 1500 in the same year. Eventually, Other proportions were only a small proportion.

mem77 62 / 98 6  
Nov 11, 2016   #2
Dear Riandi, here some advice for your writing and feel free to correct me too!

Overall, it iswas really important to bear ...

Nevertheless, Laos had the same maximum population ...

....while Sri Lanka also takestook this position in 2004.


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