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Some information about general feeling of happiness among citizens in the United States of America

Ilmi_03 47 / 69 11  
Aug 23, 2016   #1
The charts below show the results of a survey on happiness ratings for married and unmarried people in the US, and the effect of children on the overall ratings of married couples.

The bar charts provide information about general feeling of happiness of citizen in the United States. The first chart compares the level of happiness between married and unmarried people in four distinct age groups. Meanwhile, the other presents the influence of children towards parents' feeling. Overall, it can be seen that, married couples are happier almost twice than those who have not. It is also noticeable that there is not to much different percentage in people's feeling related to their children's age.

People who have got married feel more cheerful than the single. Initially, the most happiest couple is that who aged 18-29, at 45 percent. This figure falls as people get older. However, it saw a recovery, at 44 percent, for the age 65 and more. On the other hand, unmarried persons experience more suffering, roughly 21 percent, for those at the age 18-64. However, by 65 and above, it increases to 34 percent.

Married couples witness a relatively equal feeling when it comes to children's growth. They whose children is under 18 are the happiest, at 44 percent. The percentage is fewer for those do not have ones. The figure is considerable low for the couples with kids aged 18 and under.

nazzia30 5 / 13  
Aug 23, 2016   #2
It is also noticeable that there is not too much difference in percentage in people's feeling related to their children's age.

People who have got are married feel more cheerful than their single counterparts

Initially, the most happiest couple is that who aged between18-29, at 45 percent.

They whose children isParents who have childrenunder 18 are the happiest, at 44 percent.
... those do not have any offsprings.The figure is considerably low for the couples withchildren aged 18 and under.

Please see how it looks after the grammatical corrections. Hope it helps.
azmi23 17 / 28 3  
Aug 24, 2016   #3
hi! i'd like to give an alternative and some correction. happy writing!

... feel more cheerful than the single one .

They whose children who is under 18 are the happiest, at 44 percent.
... low for the couples with kidschildren (i guess it is informal to write kids) aged 18 and under.

or there is an alternative :
The figure is considerably low for the couples who have children aged 18 and under.
justivy03 - / 2363 607  
Aug 24, 2016   #4
Hi Nurul, right off the bat, I noticed your linking verbs are missing, this are very minor details however, they should not be neglected.
Below are my suggestions to enhance your essay.

- The bar charts provide the information
- about the general feeling
- of happiness of citizens in the United States.
- of children towards parents'their parents feelings .
- Overall, it can be seen that, married couples with children are happier
- at almost twice than those who have not.
- It is also noticeable that there is not to much differentdifference in percentage
- inon people's feelings related to their children's age.

- People who have got married feel more cheerful than thethose who are single.

- They whoseThose with children is under 18 are the happiest, at 44 percent.
- The percentage is fewer for those do not have oneswho do not have children .
- The figure is considerableconsiderably low for the couples with kids aged 18 and under.

There you have it Nurul, I hope the above remarks are helpful to your revision.

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