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IELTS Task 1: Information regarding recruitment of English teachers and French teachers in Ontario

broibra 17 / 19 3  
Nov 14, 2015   #1
The line graph illustrates information regarding recruitment of English teachers and French teachers according to year of graduation in Ontario between 2001 and 2007. Overall, it can be seen that the number of French and English teachers saw the similar percentage at the beginning of the period. However, in the end of the period, the percentage of French-language teachers rose slightly and English-language teachers fell dramatically.

At the beginning of the period, French-language teachers and English language teachers had a similar recruitment at around 70%, and also both of them decreased significantly to 55% in the next year. While, the figures of recruiting English teachers were a rapid decline to 40% and the number of recruiting French teachers were a grew rapidly to 66% in 2003.

During a three-year period, French and English recruited teachers at a stable rate. In addition, the figures of recruiting English teachers dropped sharply from 2006 to 2007 whereas there was a large growth in French hired teachers which peaked at approximately 75 at the end of period.

Pramudita 14 / 11 6  
Nov 15, 2015   #2
At the beginning of the period, French-language teachers ...

To begin, French and English language teachers had a similar total of recruitment at around 70%, then, both of them decreased significantly of a fifth at the following years. Afterwards, they experienced a different trend, the figures of English teachers recruitment declined, while a growth was showed by any other recruitment.

During a three-year period, French and English ...

During a 3-year period, recruitment of both language teachers rose gradually. However, at the end of this period, French teachers were more recruited, it peaked at approximately 75%, whereas the number of English teachers recruiting showed three times lower than other recruitment.
nsahmad 11 / 14 3  
Nov 15, 2015   #3
Hi brobra, happy to discuss with you.

Overall, it can be seen that the number of French and English teachers saw the similar percentage at the beginning of the period. However, in the end of the period, the percentage of French-language teachers rose slightly and English-language teachers fell dramatically.

You can use this optional sentence.

Overall, it can be seen that both recruitments revealed a big different change in the number of language teachers. In any case, although French and English teachers saw the similar percentage at the beginning of the period, these contrasted in the next half decade of the time.

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