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Recruitment process of Language teachers in Ontario; French teaching staff more popular than English

Bunglon11 28 / 31 5  
Feb 24, 2016   #1
The graph below shows information about the recruitment process of teachers in Ontario between 2001 and 2007.

A breakdown of percentage of first-year language teachers recruitment in Ontario over a 7-year period from 2001 to 2007 is illustrated in the line chart. Overall, there were two different trends in the recruitment of new language teaching staffs. While the percentage of French teachers recruitment increased slightly, the recruitment of English teachers was reduced significantly during the period.

Standing at 74%, recruitment English teaching staffs was higher than necessaries of French teachers, stood at seven in ten (70%), in 2001. However, 2007 showed an extremely different pattern. While French teachers recruitment increased moderately to 75%, rose by 5%, the enrollment of English instructors was decreased significantly by only a quarter (25%) over the period.

Moving to a more detailed analysis, there was a change figure both French and English teachers recruitment over a 4-year period during 2001 to 2005. While in 2002, both experienced a dramatic decrease, 52% French teachers and 58% for English, 2003 showed the recruitment of French rose quickly to 78% when the necessity of English teachers plunged continually at two-fifth percent (40%). Interestingly, a gradual rise was experienced by both over following three years before falling slowly in 2006.

Crystal812 23 / 55 11  
Feb 24, 2016   #2
the recruitment of English teachers was reduced significantly during the period.

was higher than necessaries necessity of French teachers,

both.....and...... (do not miss "and" between two items)
mita23 34 / 37 3  
Feb 25, 2016   #3
hello HADI bunglon11. let me give you some suggestions towards your essay writing.

1. you need to make it clear
Overall, there were two different trends in the recruitment of new language teaching staffs .
Overall, it can obviously be seen that requirement of English stuffs experienced downward trend while requirement of French tutors witnessed upward tendency.

2. you to consider your grammar accuracy
a. ... higher than necessaries of French teachers, stoodstaying at seven in ten (70%), in 2001
b. ... recruitment increased moderately to 75% and rose by 5%, the enrollment ...
c. ... teachers recruitment over a 4-year period duringfrom 2001 to 2005.
d. While in 2002, both of themdecreased dramaticallya dramatic decrease , 52%for French teachers and 58% for English, 2003 showedsaw a quick rise in the number French teacher requirementrose quickly to 78% when ...

thank you

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