The chart talks about the relation between many people living aboard and the problems which they have. Overview, the main feature of the problems consist of three factors which is sorting out finances, sorting out healthcare, and finding educational institution for their cildren which happen in people aged range. Also the finding school for their children is the less percentage of their problem.
Firstly, the sourting out finances factor always appear in over 25 percent which the highest percentage about 35 percent in range age of people is 35 - 54 years. However, the lowest percentage of this problem almost 30 percent in people over 55 years. The different between young aged and middle aged group of people by below 5 percent.
Secondly, the highest percentage of sourting out healthcare over 35 percent in people middle aged which the opposite said that the lowest percentage between 30 and 35 percent in people over 55 years. The different of this factor is not sharply which the different of value by below 5 percent or same with the different of first problem.
Thirdly, the finding school has smaller percentage of other problems before which it has the highest percentage approximately 20 percent in people aged 35 - 54 years and also it has the lowest percentage at below 5 percent in people age range over 55 years.
Firstly, the sourting out finances factor always appear in over 25 percent which the highest percentage about 35 percent in range age of people is 35 - 54 years. However, the lowest percentage of this problem almost 30 percent in people over 55 years. The different between young aged and middle aged group of people by below 5 percent.
Secondly, the highest percentage of sourting out healthcare over 35 percent in people middle aged which the opposite said that the lowest percentage between 30 and 35 percent in people over 55 years. The different of this factor is not sharply which the different of value by below 5 percent or same with the different of first problem.
Thirdly, the finding school has smaller percentage of other problems before which it has the highest percentage approximately 20 percent in people aged 35 - 54 years and also it has the lowest percentage at below 5 percent in people age range over 55 years.