The chart provides information about why international holidaymakers come to New Zealand. Walking is the main reason which the percentage is 85 percent of visitors. The second popular reason is sightseeing with a figure of 75 percent. 50 percent go for boating which is the third popular motivation and the last, less than 50 percent go for enjoying volcanos and museums. Overall, outdoor activities is more prefarably by the visitors than indoor activities.
International Visitors to New Zealand : Reason for visit
Hello ashelarhisa48, I hope you can attach the image of the chart, so I can follow easily your post.
Overall, outdoor activities is more prefe rably by the visitors ...
Overall, outdoor activities is more prefe rably by the visitors ...
Hello Intana! I am sorry I had a problem to attach the image of chart last time, so I would try to upload it. Thank you for your feedback!
This is the chart image of the essay. I hope you can help me to give a different way to explain that graph. Thank you.